Thursday, December 25, 2014

Santa Claus Comes To Ipoh Town

Santa Claus is coming to IPOH town! Yes, I received the good news on my watsapp and it is a double joy for me as today is a Christmas Day! Okay, it is no Real Santa.. but as many of us bloggers know them, they deserve to be called Santa because they are well known for their kindness and generosity, no doubt about that!  So I called them "Santa Cats!"  They are here today... and I am so happy to "welcome" them into my territory... hahahaa...

As usual, she would be carrying bags and bags of goodies.... and I always ask the same question... "Fun sun kar ah?"  (Property sharing time)  hahahaa... But today is very special...not only they gave me presents... they brought in Durians as well.... and it is not even durian season yet... ! 

Happily we brought in the durians...quickly laid the newspapers on the floor and did the "Official Opening"  hahahaaa...
Our Lady in Action.....
Looks very expert!! 
Durians draws Laughter!
How not to fall in LOVE!
The Happy Durian Lovers... 


  1. Wah! Ini memang special Santa! :)

  2. Santarina bearing gifts of durians....Malaysian style. Claire, you are so blessed!

    1. Yes, I am indeed blessed with good friends! Thank our Good Lord each day... :)

  3. What a nice Christmas surprise!

  4. Merry Christmas Claire!!! As always, I wish the very best for you, my friend!

    1. Merry Christmas to you too, Ginny!! I wish you Love too!

  5. No lah! That's Santa's wife...and his son, both so skinny one. Muahahahahaha!!!! Hope you all had a great time, Christmas Day together. They must have read your previous post about your sons not coming home...and you must be so sad and lonely so they drove over. Such nice people! Santa and family!!! Wink! Wink!

    1. Hey, I didn't mention sad and lonely la... been so busy to feel lonely.. hahaha... always lift my spirits up... if want to think negative, then life will be very down... right? hahaha... Christmas is more liven up with friends, good friends besides family..

  6. So nice and merry photos! Meow is forever so sweet.. Bet you guys had a great time.. And more to come :)

  7. What a surprise Santa give you this year? Santa's wife is so kind to open up the durian for you. Love the last pix with all the sweet smiles.

  8. wow, what a surprise visit! you must be very happy with your durians :P

  9. This santa brought durian!! Wow! Very nice durian, can see the yummy flesh.

  10. you better watch out!! SANTA MEOW is coming to town!! and how nice she bought yummy durians to celebrate a Meowy Catmas with you!! hehe~~ p

  11. Mama Kucing never gave me a chance to "welcome" them in Singapore, sobssssss

  12. How come last picture, no Papa Kucing, should selfie, hehe...

  13. I like this Santa because of the durians hah..hah...

  14. Better than Santa lah, Santa will only give you 2 or 3 candies (at least that is what Santa is to me), mana ada durians some more XD

  15. This Santa is so thin. So kind of Santa giving you durian on Christmas.

  16. Wah! Got durians to eat, so nice!!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...