Friday, December 26, 2014

The Kucings At Woolley Food City, Ipoh

It started to rain when they arrived here in IPOH... showers of blessings came pouring down...  I suggested that they should stay a night since it was kind of late already.... Managed to get a room in Mornington Hotel, no swimming pool nor gym but just a clean and comfortable room... Hope they like it!   Waited for them at the hotel and it was almost 3.30pm when they finally stepped in....

After checking in, we went hunting for food along the same row.... one place was closed.. and other commented that the noodles were also finished... At such odd hour, the only place that offered "Okay" food around Ipoh Garden is Woolley... true enough, there were quite a number of stalls still opened....
I ordered Claypot Yam rice....
Mamarazzi ordered Salted Fish with Meat....
I was yearning for this... long time didn't get to eat this...
Fabulous looking, right?
Hoi Chit with Paku Pakis...
Yes, you are right, WK!
Hoi Chit is Jelly Fish!! 
Another plate of Sotong with Kangkung... 
Two plates came to RM14...
Mama Kucing at "work!"
Sweet Mama Kucing!
While Small Kucing looks on.....
Wait... got more food coming!!
Koayteow with prawns....
TWO Plates!
Our late meal....
Between lunch and dinner... 
 OK, Look at Mama Kucing''s eyes and mouth....
What do you think she is trying to express here? 
 The one with the most creative answer will get a gift from me... 



  1. So much food! @.@
    I seriously cannot guess what Mama Kucing is expressing. "Let me do a unique candid camera expression!" ?

    1. hahaha..there is no correct answer.. just for fun... her expressions with her eyes and mouth are like talking! hahaha..

  2. Itu orang Terengganu lah - bring rain!!! Kway teow no see ham? How much one plate? Ooooo...I love claypot rice! Can't get here - got one very nice stall long time ago - closed down liao. So far, out of town some more. Troublesome to go and eat. :(

    1. Wahhhhhh!!!! Itu baju Union Jack merah punya plate...sangat bersih wor... Can see reflection of face in it. Muahahahaha!!!!!!

    2. I think mama didnt order si ham... not sure how much.. must ask her.. anyway, cannot remember... no time to think of the price... standard is around 4.50... food is nice.. and also too hungry gua.. hahaa..

  3. Wow, what a good choice of food. All suits me. I personally love the fried kway teow. Mama Kucing is saying,....ermmm.

  4. The sotong with kangkong makes me drooling at this hour, haha...

  5. wah!! the Kucings stayed a night in Ipoh, and surely they have more time for good food!! aiyoh, the Ipoh Mayor commented that the place to find "okay" food is Wolley but holy J i find those food all very nice!! especially the yam rice, i am drooling now leh!!

    1. Next time you must make a stopover there... see if you like them or not.. :)

  6. what was Mamarazzi Kucing trying to express there?? hahaha, very obvious lah.. she may seemed to put on a sweet smile on her face, but we know deep down in her heart, she was saying "eih, Auntie Claire, you enough taking photos of me or not?? i already hungry want to eat but you keep on asking me to pose!! later i beat your butt butt then you know!!"~~ :D

    1. hahhaa... was this what her eyes seem to be saying?? I really must ask her... hahahaa... so creative ah!

  7. I love to have some of the hoi jit with paku pakis and the sotong with kangkong. The rain makes us very hungry.

  8. Two of my favorite blog followers, Claire and small Kucing! He is growing so fast!! Hoping you all had a wonderful Christmas!

  9. Haha I learn a new word today - Lunner.. Sounds logic.. I love that yam rice and ckt.. Yep talking about the rain, it is raining here everyday too, from morning til night..

    1. Yes, today is ok.. thank God... hope no more rain...

  10. Gosh, I love all the food! Can only see Papa Kucing's stomach but not the face hah...hah....

    1. FB can see his face.. he put up a few.. of us.. hahaha..

  11. Mama Kuching was trying to say "Want some?"

  12. Oh i wanna try paku pakis with hoi chit!

  13. Instead of sotong, they put in hoi jit, what a good idea. What cute photos of Mamarazzi!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...