Thursday, February 26, 2015

Breakfast At Grandma Ong

Our first breakfast the next morning was just my girl and I.. the night before, my sons showed us how to come by the shops here for food, otherwise both of us would be eating just maggi noodles if we do not know the way.   And that will not be good for us....

When it comes to directions, I am quite hopeless but with the younger generation, their memory are much better than mine anytime!   With her good memory, we managed to find Grandma Ong that morning for our first breakfast in our area....
Looks cute.... 
Business was not bad too... 
While waiting.... 
Fast service... this is not bad....
Something like "Lobak"
Ordered soupy noodles for myself...
And my girl wanted dried misua... 
Both are RM5.50 each...
After our breakfast, we drove around the area ....
And ended up in AEON .... 
That was it... 
Our first day touring by ourselves...


  1. On an adventure exploring in Johor! So how long will you be there?

  2. That looks like pan mee, your soupy noodles. And that's your girl's dry mee sua? Looks like somebody drank all the soup from your bowl of noodles. Hehehehehe!!!! Wahhhh!!! Grandma's business so good, so many people.

    1. Your boys only around on weekends? Better grab a cheap air ticket, fly to Sibu...stay at my place, eat our nice homecooked food...go out to eat, I belanja...all free. Sure will save a lot of money - you're staying in a hotel, right? I bet JB, not cheap one. Come, come!!!

    2. wahhhh... what a tempting offer, Arthur!! Must check my calendar and see when got free slot... hahahaa... sorry, just kidding!! Thank you in advance... really would love to go... must really consider... so kam siah!

    3. come lets go... wink wink... he gives u so good offer, never offer me like tat oso...

    4. *whistling...pretending dunno...* Muahahahaha!!!! Come, come. Anytime, SWK, but you can stay downstairs house, no lift. :D

      Sighhhhh!!!! Some people so hard to invite lah. Last time, said wait till retire retired, still say must consider. :(

  3. Since your retirement, you have travelled quite a bit. Glad that you have an enjoyable retirement. Soupy noodles looks good.

    1. Yes, since retirement, never really sit down in my own house quietly... running up and down.. must maintain my health... !

  4. hehe, time to invest in a GPS rather than relying on the "human GPS"?? else how to become JB Food Mayor?? hahaha.. xD

    1. Oh dear.. necessary or not? No human GPS, then no choice I guess...

  5. Claire, not bad for 1st morning exploring 2 places, Grandma Ong and Aeon..very soon u will know the place very well and also where to get good and cheap food. Your Ipoh friends missing you leh...

    1. I miss you all too! Ipoh frens.. next time you all can come down and lepak.. then I take you for good food if I find any these days! hahaha...

  6. Tebrau City huh.. that place still quite near the bridge (and Singaporeans), prices still more expensive one.. Need to drive a bit further away for cheaper food I think

  7. I read this post before your previous post so I thought you were in Ipoh. Mana tau you were in Johor. Wow, so keng can drive and explore Johor on your own with your family of course! I like to eat misua.

  8. The Grandma Ong place looks so cute. And the noodle dishes are excellent looking! I see that you have your steering wheels on the other side of the car than we do. You are looking so good, Claire!

    1. Yes, it is on the opposite side from yours, Ginny.. driving on the right side instead of left...

  9. Grandma Ong sounds very homey. Cosy place..Your noodles look like pan mee, with the shu zhai choy..Wah good, can drive around merayap and explore, nice..

    1. Mine is more on cintan mee... maybe miss the springy taste of the noodles already..

  10. The Aeon, is it opposite, there's a McDonald...

    1. No, there is no McD opposite... this is near 2nd link.

  11. reanaclaire is conquering JB now....sooner i will see this blog full of JB foods!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...