Friday, February 6, 2015

Independance Day For Reanaclaire

Today is Friday.. time passed even faster on this day because of the long lunch hour. Gave a simple farewell brunch to my colleagues.. then did some last minute work and soon it was time to call it a day...

But before the day was up, I managed to get do some photo taking with my colleagues... 
My Lady Boss...  
One word....PLEASANT!!
Always smiling... no airs... such a NICE Boss she is!
Thank you Puan for being so nice to me.. to us...
And for your beautiful cosy present!!
I'm so touched!!
Next... The man whom everyone calls Chief!!
Zai... he is one my Life Saver!
Whenever my computer has problem, he saves me from my nightmares!
Always obliging.... soft spoken and so helpful... 
Thank you!
hahahaha... The one who makes everyone laughs!
Thank you Ikmal for brightening up our days.... hahahhaa..
Thank you Fadz...
For helping me to save time walking here and there... :)
Thank you Zian.. for handling my pension papers...
You've done a Good Job!
Thank you, Juju for helping me with my word/excel! 
And ... introducing my Baby Girl...
Who is pregnant with her baby...
A girl who always calls me Mama because I am "motherly".... *really*
 Well... generation gap aside.. we still have something fun going on...
Thank you Ira for doing your work so well... 
Worth my efforts!!
Lastly and not least.... my another "daughter" in the office....
She is "indirectly" my boss too... I have to "tabik" to her....
We know each other way back...  from a girl to now a mother of Two...
Thank you for the laughter you always bring to me, girl!

And Now... it's time to GO!
It's a norm to "pose" like this for one who retires...
And pretend to say "bye"
But it is no more "pretending" anymore...
It has become a reality...
I have punched out for the Last Time!

On the brighter side, I am officially "Merdeka" (Independant)
But in other words, I am also considered 


  1. You sound too happy in this post, I think you are really looking forward to Merdeka! XD

    1. Cos I havent really tasted jobless life as yet.. hahaha..

  2. So many nice photos for remembrance. Congrats to you! I am looking forward to my retirement which is 16 years away. LOL!

    1. Enjoy your working life for now.. I did enjoy though!

  3. Claire, finally no more thumb prints, no more clock in, clock out, you are free! Wow! you managed to get so many photos with your colleagues for remembrance.

  4. Merdeka !!!...Merdeka!!!...Merdeka!!! now, can get up as late as you can, hihihi...that smile from the last 3 pix look more like leaving with a heavy heart smile. Enjoy your retirement.

    1. Did I look like one? Maybe I did feel that way gua.. .that moment of truth.. hahaha

  5. the last day always is of a mixed feelings I would say.. it's like a relief and yet it's like so many things you do not want to let go still.. especially you have been there for 11 years.. you have a staff of very nice colleagues and bosses there, how nice!! :)

    p/s: next Monday, don't wake up and rush to work already but log on to ya~~ :D

    1. Monday today.. still in holiday mode.. no time to go blog hopping yet.. cos very busy these few days!!

  6. MERDEKA! How I wish I also Merdeka hah...hah... At least you got pension. Me, no pension sobs..sobs..

    1. Not experience the pension yet... when I do, I let you know how I feel... hahaa..

  7. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

    All the best in your new journey, Reana! I'm sure you'll find it equally, if not more exciting :)

    1. Thank you Alexandra!! At the moment, still very busy with this and that.. and I am still on leave actually.. :)

  8. Wah many photos wor.. And you look so happy leh.. Freedom at last! No boss, no pressure, no politics liao, hehr, nice..

  9. Welcome to the club - RTM, relaks, tidur, makan...every day. Into my 8th year now and I'm lovin' it!!!

  10. So good... time for me to buy a toto tomorrow..maybe can retired early too ... :P

  11. mana aku punya comment hilang....

    so high tech la...thumb print

    1. Yes, not so high tech lo.. some already got them long ago...

  12. Happy independence day, Claire. You are your own boss now, can do what you want with your times. Happy for you.

    1. Thank you Rose!! I still got a small boss at home!

  13. Oohh....the sweet memories, Claire.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...