Monday, March 23, 2015

Along Historical Streets Of Malacca

AFTER our heavy lunch in Kocik Kitche, we took a walk around the vicinity despite the hot sun rays upon our poor heads.  We must sweat out our calories after our delicious Peranakan meal otherwise we we end up growing sideways again.... hahahaa.... 

Along the way, we took some pictures of the Heritage houses... we were simply impressed by them... they really take efforts to maintain the structures of these homes built during the Dutch and Portugese days....
Some residence for rent....
Even our friend is impressed.....
 The Blue Houses  (as I called them)
 Built in 1939
 Along the Jonker Street...
Yours truly cannot resist the hot from the pot Ondeh Ondeh...
The two houses side by side...
Landmark of Jonkers Street...
Never leave Malacca empty handed though....



  1. being the Historical City, sure gotta preserve those old buildings as much as they could lah.. unlike KL where anything aged must be demolished and replaced by modern skyscrapers huh?? haha.. I actually think Penang is also doing a good job in preserving the history too.. :)

    1. Yes, and now I hope Ipoh too is preserving the old buildings.. the structures are original, they just need a new coat of painting..

  2. I really admire the Heritage buildings in Malacca & Penang. Most of them are so well preserved. Along Jonker Street, there are some shops selling very nice pineapple tart. Love the ondeh ondeh.

    1. Yes, I bought two boxes... not so butter rich but they are fine with me...

  3. I think I bought onde-onde from the same sidewalk stall about 5 ago, haha.. Same, I went to Jonker street night for dinner, then the next morning again for kuih, meesua, lou por peang, pineapple tarts, and chicken rice..

  4. Its been a long, long time I have not visited Malacca. Would love to do so one of these days.

  5. i love them! Especially the blue ones and the one with green designs. You are looking extra pretty today!

  6. arrhh... I also want to retire with lots of $$$$$ .... can go anywhere!!

    1. Yours will surely be $$$ mine is RMMMM only... hahahaa

  7. Love the clean! Any souvenir for me from there?

  8. Fresh ondeh-ondeh, must taste so good! What did your son buy in the last photo? Couldn't figure it out exactly what it is.

    1. He bought a whole bunch of the movie Spongebob! hahahaa

  9. I same thoughts with Chris, wish i got lots of $$$ to retire and go travel, haha....

  10. It's been a while since I went to Melaka. I remember people always complain that it is very hot in Melaka.

    1. Maybe because we walk a lot in Malacca.. instead of driving.. cos the roads are so narrow..

  11. sponge bob for me? hint hint wink la. True what you have said. Go Jonker st sure never leave empty handed. I will buy the pineapple tarts

  12. It has been a while I have not visited Melaka. I plan to bring my father there for a day trip and take the canal boat cruise which is amazing to view the town in the cool evenings!


Thank you, readers!

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