Monday, March 16, 2015

Johor Desserts And Roundup Trip

It has been more than two weeks stay in our new place... soon it is time for us to go back to our hometown...  both of us were really half hearted to leave Johor... only consolation is that we will be back again very soon!

Indeed it is very different comparing Ipoh and Johor... I mean the routine life that we have experienced... many of my friends asked me whether I would be "uprooting" myself from Ipoh to Johor... actually I do not know as yet...  I can adapt myself no doubt about that.... As I always used to say... Give me a Laptop and wifi and I will survive! hahahaha...

So what have we been doing for the past couple of weeks when we were there?  Needless to say.. everything has a balance... We ate a lot... exercised a bit... cleaned some... and travel much....

Here are some Johor desserts which are slightly different from where I was born...
Johoreans call this Ching Tong... 
Ipohians call it Ching Po Leong...
Ice Kacang with Cocoa as toppings...
Something different too!
 Dazzling Bubur Cha Cha....
Need to be shared!
Melon Sago Desserts...
Johor Rojak...
This one with the bunga jintan....
After all the food... 
We worked out almost everyday....
ahemm...correction.... at least I did it trice per week.... 
That sounds more like it, right???
Also relaxed a bit now and then.....
This picture needs no description...
As I said earlier...
Everything needs to be balanced....
Soon it is time for us to leave....
Bye Bye Johor....
Hello Ipoh....
Back to homeland!


  1. you surely can survive anywhere as long as there is FOOD!! muahahaha.. good that you were enjoying yourself while in JB, and i can actually feel that too.. look at the desserts, they made you happy and now they are making me happy too (except that chocolate sauce ABC though), hahaha!! the boys will surely miss you, so when's the next trip again??

    1. Very soon!! Haven't finished trying all yet.. hahaha..

  2. I am sure by now you will be missing Johor food and your boys. Then when you are in Johor, you will miss Ipoh food and your girl friends. That will keep you busy travelling to and fro. Hahaa...

    1. You are very right, Nancy!! We cannot be at two places at one time... unfortunately..

  3. The dessert looks yummy, tempting to eat. Hope you had good time in Johor

  4. The food all looks very good! You need exercise for health, but not to lose weight! You are so nice and slim! Now, why are you having two different cities to live in? And going back and forth?

    1. Yes, one to be with my boys.. and one to my own house...

  5. Hope to hop over to JB soon. You have a house there, right? Can on hotel? I acn cook for your boys...and I can cook very well, yunno? Hehehehehe!!!!!

    1. hehehe... not house la... a small pigeon cage got la...

  6. All the food looks so good.. Really ate a lot wor.. But you exercised and do house chores, ok la, balanced ma.. Everyday vacuum and mop and change bedsheets also use a lot of energy already, hehe..

  7. It sounds like you miss Johor and had a great time there. Now you have all the time, just hop ove when you feel like it. After all the golorious food, at least you do your part, exercise a bit and keep you fit & healthy.

    1. Yes, too bad it is so far... and expensive on plane flights..

  8. Let me know when you are in JB the next round ya..

  9. In the end, you still refer to Ipoh as homeland, so I think you're not so ready to uproot yourself yet. I think, when you decide to stay in Johor for long term, better do it without really disposing of everything in Ipoh first.

    I've seen my milk mother (if you know what that means, nai ma) and my sis's milk mother uproot everything to move in with their kids in another state, only to get depressed after a few months and look for means to move back.

    They said the idea to live with their kids is great, but most of the time the kids are working and they are left alone anyway, and when they moved to a new place, all their friends are not within easy access.

    1. Home nest cannot leave one... temporary can... not permanent uproot...

  10. So it is all about eat now and repent later. :D

  11. I would go for the rojak! Whatever it is I think your heart is in Ipoh :)

  12. I love cheng pou leong! Cooling and good for the ladies, hehe!

  13. I've never been to Johor before, but i heard many negative stories about the safeness there :x

    1. Oh never? hmmm... everywhere is also unsafe nowadays...

  14. I'm impressed to see you working out at the gym, Claire! Seems like you had a great time in JB :D

  15. What a good life this Mama Claire is enjoying now! No wonder you retired so early and young when you still could run in badminton courts! Voila!

    I guess you should uproot and move to Penang la!!! Haven for food, sun, sea and blogging! More leng zhais also... ahem! ahem!


Thank you, readers!

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