Sunday, March 15, 2015

Reanaclaire Cooks Two Dishes One Soup

Reanaclaire cooks and cooks again! Andy requested for his all time favourite chicken with potatoes and I readily prepared for him, it is one dish that I am familiar with all these years so it is an "easy job" for me... hahaha...  

I got everything ready... chicken meat, potatoes, big onions, garlic for that dish... and when I started to cook, I realized that I do not have any oyster sauce... What I have in the kitchen are only pepper, soy sauce and salt... I don't even have sugar!  Anyway... have to make do without the artificial flavours... just chopped more garlic will do, right?  Oh.. and more big onions too!
And presenting our time favourite dish...
Chicken Potatoes!
Next time I will add in some "beansauce"  (taucheong)
It might turn out as "Chicken Ponteh" ...
Bought two bunches of  Spinach @ RM1 only!
As usual... lots of garlic to enhance the flavour...
 Old melon soup with ribs and corn...
 Leong choy yat tong farn...
(Two dishes one soup meal)
And say.....Cheeseeeee!
Someone is really "worried" about his weight....
He wanted to record the "before's" and the "after's"
Before mama comes and after mama goes...


  1. wah, that's a happy family!! whatever you eat will also taste nice lah, what's more that is your all time favorite!!

    hehe, quickly stood in the weighing machine?? nah, still looking fit la~~ :)

    1. Thank you.. I try to be fit..but I know I still am lazy!

  2. I want to make the chicken and potatoes...everything you make looks so excellent!!! So I have the chicken, potatoes, onions, garlic. What is the broth made from???

    1. Broth is from the water.... soy sauce, salt and pepper... that is all...

  3. Chicken and potatoes! Shue jai mun gai.. Yep we all grow up with this dish hor.. I only use garlic and oyster sauce.. Oooo red spinach, I like, lots of iron..

    1. I didnt buy oyster sauce.. so make do with the natural flavours like onions and garlics...

  4. Whatever ingredients, the right combination will taste awesome. No need to "stick to rule", must have the same ingredients all the time.

  5. Chicken & potatoes, my kids' favourite dish too. Easy peasy & yet delicious. I can see that is red spinach which people claim is better than the green ones. I like both types.

    1. Any vege also I dont mind.. as long as it is balanced...

  6. You making me hungry at this hour, wink wink...

  7. Haha. Weight check. Used to do that many years ago. Now I do not have any weighing machine in the house to worry my weight. Lol.

    Nice home-cooked meal. I love that potatoes chicken dish.

    1. Better not get one in the house... it is a taboo.. hahhaa..

  8. Not difficult to do it, right? Keep it up.

  9. Not difficult to do it, right? Keep it up.

  10. Not difficult to do it, right? Keep it up.

  11. I think this is most families' all time favourite...we and our kids love it,,,grew up with it...Anything you cook, as long as its tasty enough, its good & yummy....see the happy faces of your kids, they are enjoying the home cooked meals very much.

    1. Yeah.. soon I will be there cooking again.. and again...

  12. Your boy lost weight? But he will put on if you keep up with your Reana Claire Cooks series hee..hee... Love your dishes. That's good home style food!

    1. Yeah.. mine are all agak agak dishes and hantam ones.. .hahaha.

  13. Daily good food like this...i also will worry about weight jor LOL.

    Can register under withlocal to be one of the local chef jor

  14. Simple, healthy family food. :D

  15. Wakakakaka!

    I love your phrase:

    He wanted to record the "before's" and the "after's"
    Before mama comes and after mama goes...


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...