Monday, April 27, 2015

At The Gardens In Seppeltsfield

FEELING THAT WE HAVE DRUNK MORE THAN ENOUGH, we ladies walked out into the terrace for some fresh air... after all, we do not know how to enjoy or differentiate a good wine from one another.... it would be such a "waste" if we kept on sipping with "forced" expressions on our faces.... hahahaa... We were not doing any "good justice" to the free wine... *oh perhaps they were not free, it was already accounted for in our day trip?*

Free or not free, we allow ourselves to roam around freely outside....
The scene here reminded me of those Mills and Boon love story books 
I used to read during my younger days....
The hero of the book is normally a rich tycoon who owns acres of vineyards and big mansions...  
But this is just a garden terrace...
The vineyards are a distance away from here.... 
Feeling the coolness of the air after all the wine...
Thought it was sunny, it was quite cold...
A bit tipsy but not drunk... 
At the gardens ... having fun...
Mamma Mia!!
Blame it on the wine?
Green green grass of home..... 
Lastly and not least... 
 What triggered off a JUMP...
 I think it needs no explanation...


  1. The gardens are really beautiful! I can see you enjoying yourself there. Very good!

  2. Very nice scenery of the gardens. Last pix tells you are really high!!!!

  3. What a beautiful garden! A lovely place, nice weather, a little bit of wine and right company.....sure to enjoy!!!

    1. Enjoy and then come home wallet lighter.. hahaha

  4. had a fun holiday!

  5. Beautiful garden. Haha. You read Mills and Boons too? Used to read when I were younger.

    Wine, garden and cool weather. What a lovely holiday.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...