Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lovely Gifts With Sweet Memories


When I stepped in and sat on my old place, it felt like "Good" so "at-home" that for some seconds, I forgot I had retired because when the phone rang at my table, I automatically took it up and said "Hello!"  Oh my goodness!!  I was not supposed to do that!  And the best thing is... I didn't even realize my blunder till my colleague who sat beside me laughed out loud.  Then only I realize my mistake and still in a shock mode, I quickly hung up the call.  Oh dear, I hope the other side would not "swear" and "curse"... That proves how BLUR I am when I am in the midst of doing something!!

It has been more than two months since I stopped working..... I might not remember much about my work but I certainly do remember what others have given me before I punched out for the last time...
Some of the lovely gifts from my colleagues... I will always remember their kind thoughts!
 Love the foldable mattress..... soft and nice..
It is now utilized in Johor... 
I received this fleece blanket from my boss personally....
I will also take it to Johor.... it is "colder" there.. .
Induction cooker... 
I planned to take this to Johor too the other time...
But last minute, I forgot to put it into the car....
Love my Red Handbag too...
On the last day I received this handheld Massager!
Given by my colleague who wants to remain anonymous... 
Really touched by his gesture....
He knows I am always complaining of shoulder pain and needs massaging every now and then...
So he told me that the best present he could think of is this electronic one...
I do not have to rely on anyone else after having this....

Looking at the gifts above, I really appreciate their kind thoughts and concerns.... If I could turn back the clock, I think I would like to retire the second time! hahahaa... crazy!

Talking about buying gifts, there is one website now which provides your one stop shopping destination, shopping is made very easy with iprice!  What do we have to do?  Just log in to their shopping categories and from there, we can also check out their offer coupons.  With iprice, they aggregates all the products from the most trusted e-commerce shops in Asia and globally compile them onto one platform. They are always looking for the latest coupons, deals and voucher codes in Malaysia in order that we may save big on every purchase.
Now I am thinking of buying some baby presents... my two ex-colleague has just given birth and I need to get some cute baby stuff for both of them.  Well, I am going to shop online here, no hassle and I can take my own sweet time to browse over them!


  1. Wonderful gifts. Claire, everyone loves you!! Me too!

    1. Thank you Ginny.. Lovely people all around including you!

  2. I think I should get a handheld massager too...this aging body is needing a massage once in a while.

  3. They are really thoughtful to give you not only nice gifts but very useful gifts too.

  4. Lovely gifts! What wonderful colleagues you have! When I retired, mine pooled together and bought me one thick gold chain. Would probably be worth a lot more now.

  5. Haha, picked up the phone and suddenly hung up, I am also like that.. Sometimes at work, when my hp ring, I would say 'Hello, XXX (company name), oh dear..

  6. haha, you don't just hang up like that but you could tell the person who was calling to hold while you transfer to another person la, haha!! great presents from your colleagues, they sure love you a lot.. :)

  7. That's how popular you are lah... I laughed when you said you hung up the phone hah..hah...You were too shocked I think. Poor caller :)

  8. Did the other party called the 2nd time and ask about how come the call was hung up, kakaka...

    1. I think she/he did but on another line.. not mine.. hahaha

  9. all these gifts ngum wor...can massage your body, make sure you eat good and go roaming in style Phewit!

  10. Lovely gifts. Love your ex-colleagues' thoughtfulness.

  11. Oh, lovely & useful gifts. So thoughtful of your ex-colleagues. Guess the handheld massager is of great help to you.

  12. I am sure they are missing you right now. Ha :D


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...