Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My Life As I see It

IT IS NOT JUST RELAXATION IN JOHOR... it is my new phase of life where I also work but only thing is that it is a different type of workload, not as in this picture here where my colleague captured it without my knowledge....
Slogging at work for the past 37 years?
Actually I enjoy office life, seriously....
If my work has no pressure, I don't think I will opt for retirement...
The office environment, my colleagues.. they are great!
Yes, due to old grey cells, I have to give them up... 
No, it is not about putting up legs up and relaxing after retiring from office...
It is also about housework!
Each day I do this... hanging and hanging...
After a hard day's work in the house, I pamper myself...
Yes, I admit I do enjoy food especially desserts....
They are just too irresistible!
But after the sweet calories, it is time to shed them off...
As my girl, everything must have a balance... In and Out...
 Traveling is one of the reasons I opt out..
I feel I am no more a "spring chicken" and there are so many places I love to go and visit...
And retirement age at 60 is just too far ahead...
I always remember what my friend told me...
Three main points...
If one has the time, money and health, do not wait any longer!
Go while we are still healthy....
Yes, I agree with that completely!


  1. Wah, you do your laundry everyday ah? Salute you, Claire! Altho I enjoy cooking, I detest housework. Enjoy life to the fullest, dear! xoxo

    1. Yes everyday cos my washing machine is not that huge! hahaha

  2. hmmm, i see, so you are actually still working after retirement lah.. you "work" out how your iPad works by the pool, you have some house"work" to do at home, you also have "work"out in the gym after you make your stomach "work" to digest the good food and desserts.. nice life leh~~ :p

    1. All work and no play also cannot... so play is something like food? :)

  3. Wah, you are so diligent to go to gym to workout!

  4. Great post!!nice blog, I wait for mine, if you want we can follow gfc us !!!kiss

  5. I agree, Claire! Enjoy life while you can! BUT you do not need a treadmill! i think you are naturally thin! Oh no! You do not have a clothes dryer!!

    1. Oh over here we normally use the natural resources to dry our clothings...

  6. Indeed! Life is too short to waste cooped up in the office day in day out, no time for anything else, but of course, if one needs the money, one does not have a choice. Otherwise, life is best spent resting, relaxing, doing things that one has to or wants or loves. I love my life as a retiree...

  7. I think there are more work to do after retirement, housework and there is no end to it if you really want to do it or else close one eye. Just that there is no pressure and you can work at your own pace. Love that bowl of desserts.

    1. Yes, housework will never end, we got to learn to enjoy them while we can... hahaha

  8. Doing housework is more tiring than going to the office.. I do more at home when I'm at home.. At work, at least by the time I come back already 7pm, hehe..

    1. I can imagine how tired you are.. 7pm is quite late for me.. I reached home around 5.20pm all these years...

  9. Different kind of work. More relax and more times to do the things you enjoy.

  10. Actually, logically speaking, your housework workload should not increase post-retirement. After all, you have been getting by for the past 37 years without trouble. Just because you are retired does not mean you should do more housework, does it? Maybe you can try to establish the same routine with housework that you used to do, and use the time where you used to be working to do what you really want to do. ;)

    1. to say ah... last time I had a helper.. now no helper..

  11. Like what Rose mention, different kind of work... No pressure as compare to office, and at your own pace...

  12. This type of "work: is more relaxing :)

  13. Lucky you! Anyway, what work has no pressure? hah..hah... All also got pressure. I can see that you are enjoying your retirement :)

  14. I wish I could retire soon. :p


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...