Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Nyonya Treats In Taman Perling, Johor

THOUGH I AM BACK IN IPOH, the food thoughts are still fresh in my mind and I better post them up first before I forget where and when they were taken.

This is a place I love to come by and by...It is called Nyonya Treats in Taman Perling.... So far, I have been there two times during my three weeks stay...
Dim and simple...
 A few choices on this page here and I kept ordering the same... 
In between the fish, the sambal lies.... 
This type of cooking reminded me of my mom... 
We used to call it "Lak Lak Yue"...
This is Chap Chye written there...
But it is actually Lo Hon Chye to me...
 Cincaluk Chicken...
And my favourite steamed okra with sambal toppings!
Durian cendol...
Creamy and santanic....
A Nyonya Meal that cost RM51...
That is why we wouldn't mind coming again and again...


  1. looks so nice and scrumptious, all for only RM51, that is quite a cheap deal!! i like the fish but i would do away with the okra, and i can never resist that creamy and santanic cendol.. note, not durian cendol, but just cendol, cendol without durian~~ :p

  2. Looks so yummy! Especially the cincaluk chicken. Now I'm hungry....

  3. Steamed okra for me please! The fish too! I have not eaten cincaluk before.

  4. Oooo...cincaluk chicken! I cook that too sometimes but most of the time, I use pork. Yum yummmm!!!! Okra, I also boil lightly and ulam with sambal. My kind of cuisine, this one! Love love that! Ipoh, got nyonya place? Never seen you going for that...or maybe, I did but have forgotten.

  5. Nyonya food, nice! I straight think of sambal fish and cendol already. And kari kapitan..Cincaluk chicken, first time I hear, would love to try it..

  6. That's a good deal, only RM51 for those scrumptious dishes. My kind of nyonya food. Love the okra & cincaluk chix. Great to the max.

  7. I had to look twice. You wrote "santanic" but my eyes read "satanic". LOL!

  8. Err, I like the okra and cendol only, the rest... not my cup of tea or should I say, not my plate of dish!

    Hahaha, santanic, yeah!

  9. Me opposite with you, me no thank you to okra, not to my liking... But i like the fish...

  10. bad timing...lunch time see these...aduii....


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...