Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Reanaclaire Cooks His Favourite Dish

BEFORE AARON LEFT GOR UK, I cook one of his favourite dish.  This dish goes very well with rive or porridge because it has a sourish taste.  He used to request his grandmother to cook this for him ever since he was a kid and now his granny is no more around, I hope I can do it the way my mom did... But somehow I feel my mom does it tastier than me anytime.

This is the dish Aaron loves to eat.... 
I guess not many of us do.....
Another dish I just simply whoop up.....
Two dishes one soup....
A very short post today cos the wifi is not very stable at this moment.
And I am using my ipad to post this.....


  1. Wahhhhhhhh!!!! Abalone!!! So so many!!! Ini makanan orang kaya lah!!! I cuma mampu tengok aje. Hehehehehe!!!!

  2. Zha choy pork? I grow up with this dish too, but mum shredded the zha choy into thin strips, easier to swallow, else very salty.. Very hoiwai one this dish, can eat a lot of rice with this..

  3. Simply whip up only lah, simply add some abalones only lah....

    Yeah, right... really "simply"...

  4. It looks very good, and I know your mom would be proud!

  5. eih, i like that dish also!! it's szechuan pickled veggie with pork, am i right?? my mum cooked that last time quite often but we didn't have that much gravy, i think i loved that when i was a kid that's why she cooked that often, haha.. so you also have abalone to "contra" that simple dish he requested huh?? steam abalone, first time i see this leh~~

  6. Yummy! Is Arron going to uk for work?

  7. I am trying to make out the favourite dish. Looks like got salted vegetables? And I see you have broccoli and abalone too!

  8. yeah..so yummy, making me so hungry now.

  9. Cooked with love, Aaron can feel and taste from the food. :)

  10. I love to eat char choy too. But I don't cook it at home. My late MIL was good at cooking it.

  11. I am sure Aaron finds your cooking very tasty especially for his favourite dish.

  12. My family likes this dish too, goes well with white rice.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...