Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reanaclaire Cooks-Peanuts Lotus Soup Plus Two

HOW DO I SPENT MY TIME... I was asked a couple of times... Now I understand how it is like to be a Very Full Time Housewife or even for one who is not a housewife but stays at home and 'keep house'...It is very time consuming to be a Home Minister... no joke!   And for those who stay home and take care of babies/toddlers without any helper, one word.... "Salute!"   :)

Maybe I do it the harder way... I go to the grocery mall every day to do my marketing for each meal... *too free ma*  Each day by the time we reach home, it is almost 2pm considering we go out for our brunch at around noon.... the whole morning was spent in the house doing housework... *ahem* and of course, lazing around...

At around 4pm, I will start to prepare dinner especially when I need to boil soup....
Other ingredients will be done when the soup is boiling.... 
Takes more than 2 to 3 hours for this soup...
Peanuts take a bit longer so that they will be soft and nice when eaten...
Minced meat with potatoes and tomatoes...
But not sure why the picture turned out differently... 
Siew Pak Choy and topped with meat floss....
Always two dishes and one soup for the four of us...
Enough or not, we have to rely on the bananas to fill up our "space!"


  1. lotus soup with peanuts!!! this one SK likes, in fact my favorite!!! my dad cooks this soup once every week (because we have different soup everyday, and he only cooks that few type in rotation, muahahaha!!).. and anything potato with minced meat, i also suka!!! simple meal but ngam me~~ :)

  2. Haha. Not bad. You have fruits in your menu.

    I love peanut lotus soup. It has been a while since I cooked it.

    I usually go marketing every 3 - 4 days. Cannot afford bring a toddler every day to market. Thankful I have my mum with me when go to the market.

    So, have you get used to the new routine as a full time housewife (homemaker sounds more suitable for you).

    1. ahhh... yes, Home maker.. not home ministeress! hahaha... this home maker is only temporary... always go off one..

  3. So healthy and so yummy to have this mummy!
    You should put a table menu for them to pick the next day's meals.
    By then you can increase their grocery contributions plus 6% .... Hahaha

    1. hahahaa.. thanks for the idea! Yes, must pay for the service, right!

  4. Your food must be so good until always not enuff.. Homecooked food, hou sik.. I love minced meat pork and soup.. Lingau fasang tong, yes, takes long time to boil, so I always stick with abc..

    1. Less dishes .. cannot cook more... dont know how already.. too much work! hahaa

  5. Getting a pressure-cooker will reduce your soup cooking time to less than 30 mins. You are indeed a very good homemaker, now your kids can enjoy home cooked food.

    1. OHyeah ! Pressure cooker.. but then not always here.. must bring the cooker up and down then.. hahhaa..

  6. It is really a nice and warm feeling to come home to a homecooked meal after a long day at work so your children must love your cooking very much! Well done Claire!

  7. Wahhhhhhh!!!! Getting to be an expert at it, eh? Good, good! Keep it up!

    1. AFTER a week or two, bye bye and back to laziness again...

  8. Yum , Claire! Fresh food every day! Here, we go to the grocery store once or twice a week to stock up. BUT we do not have the wonderful markets that you do!

    1. Last time I used to stock up.. but now since not working, can go marketing each day... :)

  9. Wow, cooking more & more. I love the lotus peanut soup. Hope you enjoy cooking & your kids enjoy eating homecooked food. Yumzzzz

    1. Yes, if no pressure then its a pleasure to cook...

  10. 3 hours?! Hahaha, use big fire to boil to cut down the boiling time, but need bigger pot lah XD

  11. Ooohh...that peanut lotus root soup is my partner's favourite. Better not let him see or else he will ask me to cook that hee..hee...

  12. I love lotus root soup & it's one of my regular homecooked soups. It's interesting to see you adding carrots tho. I usually cook the Cantonese style altho I'm a Teochew :D


Thank you, readers!

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