Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Rundle Street East In Adelaide

AS THIS IS A RELAXING AND LEISURE GETAWAY, we did not plan anything in advance.  I really don't mind if I just laze around in the apartment or going out for short walks around the vicinity, it really suits me real fine!  NO more waking up calls at 6am in the morning and dragging my legs up to the hotel room in the late evening like those tour groups which I have experienced those days.  Thank goodness I was younger then.... and now, I prefer to go for these free and easy trips... no more time commitments and rushing from one place to another.....

We slept early the night before, replenishing the "lack of sleep" we lost the previous night before and we woke up fully refreshed and ready to start off our second day in Adelaide.  After our hearty breakfast in the apartment, we set out to Rundle Street again, so much to "look and see"... well, with over 1000 retail stores and services, it seems to be a never-ending walk for us...  I really don't mind taking our own time walking leisurely, the weather was simply fabulous.... cooling and yet not windy... very nice!
Before we set out, here I am in front of the apartment hotel...
Oh, I think I was not the only one there.... 
Obviously someone was waving from behind.... 
No sweater on the second day... 
Weather was around 16 to 22 degrees as we set out.... 
From our hotel to Rundle Street, it was just a five to seven minutes walk....
Oh ... er... unless we stopped every now and then to take pictures, it is again a different story...
The railway station is a short distant away from our place....
Along the subway... I mean pathway...
and soon we reached the intersection leading to Rundle Street pedestrian walk...
It was more crowded on Tuesday than the previous day....
Leisure walk was what we did and enjoyed, no time constraint...
Another musician here on the streets...

This reminded me of Ipoh... 
But this is Rundle Street Coffee Central...
And me at 127, Rundle Mall....
Someone is getting ready to shop!
While it was fun to shop and relax.....
We wasted no time busy connecting to the outside  world such as Malaysia!
Cyber Cafe on the Streets!


  1. Ooooo...I loved those buskers overseas. Some of them that I saw were really very very good...and of course, I would give them a bit for their effort. I loved browsing around the shops there too, just browsed, not buy...everything there was way too expensive, couldn't afford. Would just spend on food, eat the stuff they had there - not cheap either, but no choice.

    1. When they exposed themselves, some might have a chance of being famous if the right person comes along ... :)

  2. I love those street buildings...

  3. What a lovely outing in the nice cooling weather. The shops and mall look interesting.

    1. Indeed the weather was good on the second day..

  4. So Rundle Mall is in fact, not a mall?? I was cheated by so many Aussie blogs all this while then!

  5. if not mistaken I thot I once heard friends who have been staying in Australia, that Adelaide is a city for the elderly, haha.. so what are you all young girls doing there?? sure nice to relax and follow your own pace when you go travel, afterall it's for "leisure" so don't need to "bok meng" lor :)

    1. hehehehe.. something like IPOH... can be twin cities!

  6. What an awesome walk! You had lots of willpower to avoid the coffee stall. Now that you are retired, you are what we call "a lady of leisure".

    1. What a lovely quote.. lady of leisure! Thanks Ginny!

  7. Clear blue sky. Nice to walk around

  8. Over 1000 retail stores, nice! I like.. Nice la, to walk around, doing nothing, I really don't mind too.. Now is the time to rest and relax, tarn sai kai, no need do anything, wah, song lor..

    1. That is why I still need to blog otherwise rusty brain!

  9. It sure looks a nice place for walks and window shopping at leisure. Love the blue sky and nice buildings. Wouldn't mind spending time sitting and watching people going by especially when the weather is cool.

    1. As SK mentioned.. many golden people were there... :)

  10. Good thing about going on your own is on your own pace, and can go wherever place you want to go...

  11. Wow Claire, you are so diligent! Blogging on the move? Bravo!

  12. Yes. Relax holiday, not stressing around waking up early and running here and there. I like that too.

  13. Nice blue sky & love those beautiful buildings.

  14. Nice blue sky & love those beautiful building. I also like free & easy trip.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...