Thursday, April 30, 2015

Star House In China Town, Adelaide

FEELING TIRED AFTER THE DAY TRIP, we didn't want to mess up the kitchen... For dinner, we took a fifteen minutes walk to China Town... it was a cooling evening and we stopped here for our dinner...
Star House... Chinese Restaurant!
Yes, after the rib racks and German sausages...
Chinese food is always a welcoming sight....
The restaurant ambience which was not occupied on this side..
Nice ambience...
We ordered a few dishes for the six of us... 
Steamed pork ribs...
Yes, ribs again but done in a different style... :)
Stir fried Mini french beans....
Crispy Duck!
This is very BEST.... Steamed beancurd with big prawns embedded beneath...
Part of the dishes served while waiting for the steamed fish...
Steamed Siakap....
After another one of our hearty meal, we took a long stroll back to our apartment...
 On the way back, we bought some snacks...
Time to relax in front of the Big Square Box!


  1. Chinese meals is always the most satisfying..the steamed beancurd is something different.

  2. Snacks in front of TV...difficult to stop once started munching!

  3. I have not seen the tofu with prawns dish served here. Wah, so much snack for supper TV time. :)

    1. The snacks are for itchy mouth while watching tv.. hahaa..

  4. Your photos are lovely. This looks like a wonderful place for a delicious meal.

  5. I love that big vase, and the purple chairs are beautiful!!

  6. So nice to walk there - lovely cool weather, will not feel it at all. Oh my! That sure looks like an expensive Chinese restaurant. Wahhhhh!!!! Still hungry after all that, buying snacks some more? LOL!!!

    1. NO stopping on the appetite when the weather is cold... hahaha..

  7. Yummy chinese food. Nice to have a stroll after the heavy dinner.

    1. It was quite a long walk from the apartment...

  8. That steamed bean curd with prawns makes sense to me. Mom used to make something like that too!

  9. Love love that crispy duck and steamed beancurd with prawns.. Look so so hoiwai, that yellow gravy, must be from the prawns har gou, yummmzzz...

    1. The eggs did the trick too.. very appetizing..

  10. eih those dishes look good indeed, i love the ribs and the baby french beans, ah the roast duck too!!! but I am a little surprise you still have room for some more potato chips huh?? hehe~~ :p

    1. That is snackie time.. by the time we walked home, mouths have nothing to do ma...

  11. All the food very ngam for me to eat hah..hah..including the Pringles :)

    1. I will always remember how much it cost.... $6!!!

  12. Haha. A very welcoming sight after a tiring day. Dishes look good.


Thank you, readers!

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