Sunday, April 26, 2015

Wine Tasting In Barossa Valley

ON THE THIRD MORNING, WE BOOKED A DAY TOUR TO BAROSSA AND HAHNDORF.  We joined the Great Sights tours, the coach picked us up from our hotel at around 9am...
A very nice comfortable coach with a red carpet laid before us....
It was an hour ride to Barossa Valley, it is a world famous wine region filled with rolling hills, landscapes sprawling with grapevines and pastures and wineries....
 Entrance leading into Seppeltsfield....
Where we tasted a few types of wines...
We were taken into the cellar.... a modern cellar..
Different type of wines displayed...
I don't know which is which.... 
But all from Seppeltsfield...
I wonder if my girl is eligible for wine tasting here...  hhmmm....  
Here we go....
Bottle after bottle....
For wine lovers, this is definitely the place to visit....
Easy does it, mam.... 
  Glass after glass we tasted and toasted....
And she gave a good Thumb-Up?
Someone looked like he was going to "surrender" soon... 
I couldn't remember how many I have tried... 
She just kept pouring and pouring....
And I kept sipping and sipping... 


  1. I enjoy vineyard tours where I get to do wine tastings! Are you an expert now?? ^_^

  2. Wah expert jor wor, I'm no good with wine and all, but if she keeps pouring and pouring, then ok la, can drink and drink, hehe..

    1. wahhh... then you lagi terror.. me very char one..

  3. I like the garden and the entrance photo. Hoping to learn some tips from you about wine

  4. Ahhhhh!!!! You went in a tour coach so it was all right. Don't drink and drive!

  5. BAROSSA AND HAHNDORF, hmmm, I think I've heard about this place and probably it was a blog post I have read.. but just wine tasting and you didn't get into the vineyard?? haha, curi a few sips of fine wine is good enough huh?? :p

    1. Actually we were offered a few bottles... I beh tahan only..

  6. Hahaha, those angmoh must think you all so jakun, toasting in a wine tasting session? XD

  7. For free??? Seems people are enjoying the wine tasting.

  8. The wine must taste very good!

  9. I miss wine tasting back in Sydney, their wine is somehow different, nice~

    1. Not sure.. they tasted the same to me.. hahaha..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...