Saturday, May 23, 2015

Farming And Gardening Lessons


We finally started work on this Friday morning, okay....real work this time.. under the hot sun.. it was not so cold now, maybe I have got used to the spring cum summer weather now?  Anyway, it is time to get my butt moving... for the past few days, it had been Eat and Sleep...

HOO...HAH....!!!  Get moving Lady!

We started at the front first thing this morning....
I'm no gardener all these years.... and now I am learning to do some... bit of work here...
OK, just for show!
Recess time! 
Taking a breather...
Next.... to the farm.....
Planting some tomatoes to start off first...
Got caught in action.....!
Alright, I "berlagak" only..... 
Still got lots to do...
See the weeds everywhere?
We will have to start on them soon...
More green projects coming on the way!


  1. What a healthy lifestyle to do farming and gardening. Keep it up! :D

  2. Any vacancy? I sure would love to join you. Hmmm...who's that young man? Still single and available? Wink! Wink! LOL!!!

  3. All eat & no work makes Reana Claire a dull person, hahaha. Can see that you are serious in your work.Big farm and it takes quite some time to finish the project. I like to sit under the shade of the tree too.

  4. Claire, how I love to join you in the planting project and looking forward to the harvesting as well. Everything seems to grow so well over there. Enjoy yourself and bring back some gardening tips to share with me.

    1. I am sure you will love the gardening and planting!

  5. You are cute and have a smile on your face even when working hard outside. Now I am confused, I thought you were at your sister's in California. Now it looks like you are in a work camp!

  6. I do not mind having some workout under the sun. You are having so much fun there.

  7. Haha, you said just for show and berlagak, but you really look like really working hard leh..Nice la, light gardening work only, no need wakeup early morning or rushing traffic, best!!

  8. oh yeah.. after all the makan and tidur, must get your butt moving and start working!! hehehe.. can berlagak a bit lah, i bet the two gentlemen there will sure help if you bodek them a bit :p

    1. hehehe... I just berlagak..the ones working are the real men!

  9. What exactly are you doing there? Ranch vacation, or really some paid working experience?

  10. Replies
    1. hehehe... I really don't have any idea on gardening..

  11. wah ...starting to garden over there ah....bagus.... hehehe one more fellow gardener

  12. Oh, it's too hot under the sun for me..
    Anyway, good for you to experience gardening over there.

  13. Good exercise whether berlagak or real action.
    Will you be back there to harvest them???


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...