Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

ONE WEEK AGO, SHE TOLD ME NOT TO HAVE ANY APPOINTMENT ON THIS SUNDAY EVENING.. Little did I know it was Mother's day until almost everyone started to wish everyone Happy Mother's Day on Facebook... so.. Mother's Day is on again! No wonder she dated me...

How do I see Mother's day? Come on.. isn't it everyday that I am a mother, 365 days per year, 24/7?  I couldn't sleep well last night... *maybe due to the green tea I consumed* .... and I spent some long while tossing left and right... thinking of my own Mother whom I still miss very much... Flashbacks of sweet memories and painful ones came to my mind... Last year we celebrated Mother's day together in Penang... So glad that we did.. . A friend told me... "Spend more time with your mom, you will not regret it when she is not here anymore" and I heeded to his advice...

Coming back to my Sunday date with my girl, she took me to her favourite food..*what else!* hahahaha... Well, as Mothers, when your kids are happy, you are happy too, right?  Any place is fine with Mothers... they are always obliging!
Our evening date at Sushi Zento....
And we had.....
This ramen.....
Cod Fish...
Paripari Unagi..... 
And Salmon...
She must be taking this picture as a "proof" to her brothers...
No worries, sons... 
Though you told me that I could eat ALL I want...
I couldn't tuck in as much as I wanted to....
Mom is a very light eater la... 
Well... Mom has a reason too....
Mom wanted to come to HD for desserts!!
That was why your Mom left some "space" for my desserts!!
Mom chose three different scoops and create our own toppings... 
Thank you for the lovely treat, Kids... 
Everyday seems to be a Mother's Day!!


  1. Your favourite is Japanese? Wahhh!!!! You join that Chris Au's club already kah? Wakakakakaka!!!! Belated Happy Mum's Day greetings to you. 2nd boy did not come home for the weekend?

    1. Oh ya! Just saw it - that's HER favourite food, clever girl! LOL!!!

    2. hahaha...I was going to correct you... yes, her favorite, not really mine but I have start to learn eating Japanese food!

  2. haha, you are right!! you are a mother 24*7 and when is not a Mother's Day to you?? but many will just keep mom at home for 364 days and bring them out to "celebrate" on that day.. so you have got one nice Japanese feast!! oh I love that, look at the salmon and the dessert!!! slurps~~

  3. You have a lovely celebration for Mother's Day with your girl. Yummy food and dessert. Every day is a Mother's!

    1. Yes, yes!! We ladies must celebrate too with one another..

  4. Yah, everyday can be Mother's Day!! =]

  5. Nooo... what? Green tea makes you insomniac? It is supposed to be a soothing tea...

    1. Soothing for the body... but keeps the mind alert...

  6. Great to see you had a good mother's day celebration. You must be missing your mother a lot since this is the first mother's day without her. *Hugs*

  7. Your girl had a whole day planned out just to be with you and have fun! She is amazing.

    1. We had fun eating her kind of food.. hahahaa

  8. Very sweet and thoughtful of your princess.. I have to wait a long time for this.. Love those ice creams..Happy Mother's Day by the way :)

    1. You can treat your mom now.. since you are such a young mother.. hahaa... time flies...

  9. Happy Mother's Day Claire.

    wah the best of all is the ice cream yummy!

  10. My mother tells me everyday is Mother's Day! Looks like you had a wonderful sedaplicious celebration with your daughter.

  11. Slurp. I like your dessert!!!

    You are right! Everyday is a Mother's Day. No need to date you on that day. Any day would do.

    Nice treat. Lovely meal with your girl.

    1. Today is also Mother's day..going out to eat again...

  12. What a coincidence..We went for Japanese food too on Mother's day.

    1. It was crowded... my girl booked in advance... :)

  13. That's a lovely Mother's Day celebration. Happy Belated Mother's Day to you, Reana Claire.


Thank you, readers!

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