Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tea Party In A Sunday Afternoon

MADE TWO NEW FRIENDS DURING POT BLESS ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON....  Had a good time with them, they were such friendly gals and in a short time, we talked as if we had known each other for ages.... Love the part  the 'dating' tips and experiences on real life stories...  Hahaaaaa...
The Giant pizza was enormous....
Ovened it for twenty minutes....
Squash ... A filipino dish...
Barbequed ribs ... Another filipino dish!!
This needs no name... Slurpppp...
Thank God for abundant food!!
Lets drink to good health!!!



  1. Love that pizza, and good to hear you made two new friends.. Nice la, can tarn sai kai now, best !!

  2. Oooo...lovely! What is life without friends! I would not want to visit any place where I do not know anybody.

  3. What a wonderful, yummylicious party! And getting to know 2 new friends too. The food all look so, so good!

  4. What a lovely gathering. All the food looks great. Love the huge pizza. Yummy

  5. Wherever Reana Claire goes, there is bound to be abundance of good food!

  6. hahaha...my mom seems have a great time with you gals!

  7. Waah! Slurps yummy food by all Spice Gals Gang! The pizza had so many swirls and I thought it was a huge plate of spaghetti...!!!

  8. Wahhhhhhh!!!! Truly blessed indeed! It sure was a great party, eh? *looking at the bottles on the counter*


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...