Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada Signboard

WE REACHED LAS VEGAS after more than eight hours drive, stopping several times along the way.... After checking in, it was almost evening and we took a leisure drive around town before calling it a day... It was my second time here and nothing much has changed since three years ago...

The first hotel we saw was the Luxor...
Excalibur Hotel.... looks like Disney...
And on the way.... 
High rise hotels...
It is quite difficult to take pictures in a moving car...
The Mirage where I watched the Beatles CDS...
Treasure Island...
And one must not leave Las Vegas without taking this picture....
It was a long queue during the day... so I didn't get down to take...
But it was so blur during the night... 
Oh well... 


  1. Any luck? Overnight millionaire now? Don't forget me, ya!

  2. Looks beautiful! Reminds me of CSI Vegas hee..hee..

  3. wah....so nice leh. makes me wanna visit too

  4. Nice shots of the high rise hotel & all.

  5. Thanks for showing us how Las Vegas looks like!

  6. yeah.. this is what I always see in movies!! the neons and the lights, so beautiful and absolutely amazing!!! I can recognize many of the spots you are showing, cool!! and you only took one photo?? I would have done many of my "signature" pose there, haha!!

  7. Love to visit Las Vegas one day. Haha. Not going to the casino to try my luck since I dont gamble but to admire and awe over those beautiful night lights and hotels.

  8. So many big hotels in Las Vegas. It is a beautiful place.

  9. You went there and came back a richer woman!!
    You need a good camera to snap photos from moving cars.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...