Friday, June 26, 2015

Reanaclaire Cooks-Potatoes Meat Patties And Ju Hu Char

MOST DAYS WE DID OUR COOKING AT HOME.... As my BIL used to say, "we are in the land of aplenty"...everything is easily accesible over here in the grocery stalls.  A good thing for me too cos I am all for Chinese food, I would miss my homecooked dishes very badly, they called me a "rice pot" (farn toong) cos I like to eat rice every other day at least!

My day starts off normally with a light breakfast, a long banana or a piece of toadted bread with Skippy peanut butter.  That is it...see, I am a very simple eater.... Hahahaaaa...

After my breakie, I will take out whatever needs to be cooked for lunch and dinner "a 2-in-1" meal....whatever we cook for lunch, they will be for dinner too... 
Most of the time, there are at least two dishes and a soup but today, just two enormous dishes....
I made some potatoes with mini sized burgers made from scratch...
Notice that the US potatoes here are softer and more "absorbant" if you know what I mean...
And another dish that I craved for is this...."sengkuang" aka "Ju Hu Char"
My auntie can cook this real good!  And fresh lettuce are available too!
Lastly and not least, we boil some corn and raddish soup as well...
Oh, that is not all... My friend baked this!
Lemon Squares!!
Yummy!!!  Our meal is complete!
When it comes to food, I am very contented cos I can have Chinese and Western over here anytime! :)


  1. How you cook the gravy for your meat+potatoes dish?

    1. I put in tomato ketchup plus some sugar to make the sauce....

  2. Look really good - wahhhhh!!!! Your cooking has improved by leaps and bounds! Pass with flying colours!

  3. I realized you like put the vege on top of every food, btw what's the vege name ya?

  4. home cooked food is always the best!

  5. It's good to have home cooked food even when you are on holiday :)

  6. wah getting to be home chef jor :)

  7. Nice homecooked food. Love them all.

  8. Yummy! You are becoming a great cook.

  9. Tasty! I think the potatoes there taste nicer, correct or not?

  10. I think you found nice potatoes. Honestly they have too many types of pumpkins, apples and potatoes in US until we need to memorize their names and origins. Some are hard like rocks so the folks know which type is for which usage and cooking.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...