Thursday, July 30, 2015

My Visit To The Grand Canyon, Arizona

I WAS ASKED ME WHETHER I VISITED GRAND CANYON when I was in Las Vegas... yes, I definitely did this time round.  During our one week stay in Las Vegas, we went for a day trip all the way to Grand Canyon, it was a four hours drive... no joke about that.   We started off early and passed through beautiful greens along the way....
Endless pine trees on both sides of the roads leading up to Grand Canyon...
After four hours drive, we reached the entrance of Grand Canyon Nation Park....
It was very hot..... or should I say... supremely Hot! 
We had to put on lots of suntan lotion and wear our hats.... 
One can never miss this circle on the way in and out...  
We walked up to the Grand Canyon....
And we stood there.... mesmerized... 
It was indeed awesome!
Too bad my pictures did not do much credit to the beauty....
The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the state of Arizona....
It is so natural....
And we stood there for some time...
.........admiring the vasts of the mountain natural beauty that lies ahead of us...
The Grand Canyon is 446 km long, 
up to 29 km wide and attains a depth of over 6,093 feet or 1,857 meters...
Even though it was a weekday, tourists were aplenty...
Even the squirrel had no fear for humans.... 
I just keep taking pictures after pictures... 
And realized that I had the flash light on only when I reached home!
That is why my pictures turned out too bright... sigh...
Anyway.... Grand Canyon is like this.. now I know....  
So deep down... looks like endless from where I stood...
And my legs turned jelly... hahahaa... 
The canyon is the result of erosion which creates one of the most complete geologic columns on the planet.... *info from wikipedia* 
A quick picture before I stepped back.... looking down takes guts! hahahaha..
On the way back, we stopped by to say Hi to the Tusayan Ranger Station...
And then it was a four hours drive back to Las Vegas... 
Thanks to my Big Boss who drove tirelessly while we ladies slept and slept... 
I blame it on the Heat!   :)


  1. Wow! So breath-taking views of Grand Canyon. Oh my! I do not think I dare stand near the fencing to look down.

  2. Beautiful!!! Ah! Yogi Bear! LOL!!! Who's that with you? You too look like twins!

  3. Wow, breathtaking view. That's your sister, rite? I am scare of height and maybe have to stand faraway to have my view, hahaha!!!

  4. Wow, nice.. One of the seven wonders.. Only seen it in books/TV.. My legs also will turn jelly leh, so deep and steep hor..

  5. beautiful!! it's one of the natural wonders of the world huh?? never miss it if you have a chance to go.. adui, flash on?? I always switch off my flash, all the time, cos photos with flash are not nice leh~~

  6. Have heard of Grand I know how it looks like but nothing can compare being there.

  7. have heard of that but never seen before. heard if evening time lagi colorful sunset

  8. So majestic! Too bad I never had the chance to visit this place yet. :(

  9. The scenery is majestic! Such a wonder to behold. And I can see that it was very, very hot!

  10. u ladies wore the same shirt, summore it is labelled as 'superman'! great scenery but I guess that place would be too hot for me.

  11. Let me tell you that your flash lights did not affect the brightness of the canyons in your photos.
    This magnificent place is so huge and bright with lots of sun rays with with all round reflections that only the real professionals would know how to use filter lenses or those with sophisticated auto DSLR to capture them beautifully. My friends and I also captured disaster photos!! Muahahahaha

    I would vote this Grand Canyon as the most beautiful place in USA. After that visit, I remembered saying that if I had died the next day, it was worth the visit to the canyons.

  12. Grand Canyon is the place I miss....during my trip to Vegas...maybe that could be wait until my next solo trip! =]


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...