Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Reunion Lunch At Pusing Public Restaurant, Ipoh

THE NEXT ITINERARY AFTER THE SCHOOL TOUR, around twenty of us made our way to Pusing Public Restaurant in town.  The restaurant is an all time favourite among many of us, the food is pretty fantastic-licious there.  Thanks to one of my friends, they had two tables ready for us when we arrived....
While waiting for the good food to arrive.....
There were six dishes in all...
Every dish has its specialty....
Some greens with soft yam....
Guiltily I took only one of these....
Steamed chicken with ginger....
Steamed beancurd with fish paste....
Honey Spareribs...

Soon after lunch, it was time to bade goodbye with hugs
 to many who had to drive all the way back, some north and some south.... 
Till we meet again... perhaps next year?
I really don't mind.... :)


  1. wah, that was indeed one sumptuous and scrumptious farewell lunch!! love all the dishes, they look really sedap!! but I guess this time you chit chat more than really paying attention to the food huh?? hehe.. yes, you should do the gathering more often, sure you no problem lah since you are local~~ :p

    1. Eat small rice and a bit of this and that is more than enough... yes, it is the company that counts...

  2. Gosh. So sumptuous feast you have. Everything looked good.

  3. Every dish looks so delicious and mouth watering. Looks like a great gathering and will it be a yearly event?

  4. The food looks good but more importantly it is the good company that we treasure more.

  5. I wonder why the restaurant is thus called - pusing public? I guess they have yellow lights at that place.

    1. hahahaa... funny right? Pusing is a small town place.. last time it was very famous there.. now shifted to Ipoh..

  6. Wah, food again.. And you still look so slim..

  7. Very nice food, especially the Honey Spareribs!

  8. What a happy reunion! I am not sure whether this is the same restaurant I ate long ago. It had no air condition last time, correct?

  9. looking at the food, my tummy play drum liao

  10. I am also planning to open a restaurant in Sydney and thinking what ingredients I should include in my logo design to make it more conceptual and attractive. Any idea?

  11. I am not the only one who is missing our college days and friends to go with them on a late night hangout. Yeah, its been time we have been busy in Providing Best SEO Services just after the graduation and I really miss those days, awaiting a reunion with my mates.

  12. Great reunion, in this age of hectic workloads and jetpacked schedules, we dont even have time for our families, so how it is possible for high school mates to meet after 10-12 years of gap. I keep myself busy for the logo making company in Dubai I work for and really dont find time for any of my friend for a Saturday night hangout.

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