Tuesday, September 15, 2015

GYM Pressure Not Pleasure

ALL FOOD AND NO PLAY MAKE CLAIRE UNBALANCED.... hahahaha... Did someone say Health is Wealth?

Whenever I am here in JB, I cannot escape not going to the gym, no, it is not me who loves to go, definitely not my lifestyle...  I am a very lazy mama.....  so if it is not due to the "pressure" I am getting from the little one, I would rather stay in the little nest and laze around the sofa in front of the square box!

No, no, it does not happen that way.... almost every day I am kind of "compelled" to go... for her safety, I need to go with her and for my health, she pushes me to go through the half hour workout and sweat!
She caught this picture of me "unaware".... 
                            I think I was still contemplating which machine I should shed my calories....
Well, most times we do some "warming-up" in front of the big mirror before we really slogged it out in front of the treadmill.... 
Love the Big Mirror.... it makes working out more effective.. 
*know what I mean?  Ladies ma.... *
Alright.... enough of showing off here... let's start!
And half an hour later... I will be here.... cooling down......
And at times, I do my "line dancing" alone.... 
Step, point.. step point......
One more before I hit the "home"
Well, in another two hours, someone will be "reminding" me again....


  1. I should go gym, since now there's haze and can't go outdoor do any activities...

  2. Don't like also just go lor, take picture, walk here there, time very fast pass only, kekekeke..

    1. You are right.. got to accompany someone to go... sigh..

  3. Go, go, go, go for it.... Love your 2nd pix, like Mr. Muscle.

  4. The big mirror makes us keep looking at how good we work out. Not only women. Men also the same. I saw few men did that. Lol.

  5. She's bugging you for your own health. Stop complaining like a child! Hahaha! :D

  6. Good for you! You get to stay slim and healthy, young and sexy! Lol!

  7. Double thumbs up!!! Really hebat lah you!!! I would not be able to lift a thing...and if I lie down, sure cannot get up liao. Muahahahaha!!!!!

    1. Oh, I am not lifting anything.. just walk walk walk!

  8. I never go to the gym. You need horses to drag me there hah..hah,,,


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....