Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Idealite And Bukit Dumbar

CONTINUING ON WITH OUR EATING SPREE IN PENANG... No, it is not all about roadside stalls, in fact we go for some organic and homecooked food especially in the evenings...  There is one organic shop which my friend's nephew opened, near to this Botanical Gardens.  It seems business is doing very well, they open some branches now in Queensbay and Gurney, if I am not mistaken...  My friend told me that their food here is healthy and well balanced... Well, we went in at around 11am.. and by 12pm, the place was already crowded and no more tables were vacant...

Idealite is the name... 
Ordered claypot brown rice with vege and stuff... 
And pumpkin noodles curry... with soft peas and vegetables... 
The giant bowl of curry noodles and to my surprise, I could finish all of it!
It is not all Food and No Walks... 
We ascended some paths to higher ground...
And I was puffing and huffing... 
Can zoom in to see the Penang bridge from the hill....
Steps after steps we climbed.... 
Taking a breather... 
By Posing... 
A Roundie Me!
*made a mental note to eat less tomorrow*


  1. See you go outdoor walk, i moody, sobsssss, here haze, sobsssss....

  2. Beautiful view. No haze.

    I do not mind eating organic food as it is supposed to be healthier but could be pricey.

  3. The curry mein looks good leh, healthy version, so no need to feel guilty slurping all the soup hor..

  4. I'll have the food. As for the walk, you go ahead! Hehehehehe!!!!

  5. oooh, interesting food and looks like they are vegetarian huh?? so it's walk after the food, and then FOOD AGAIN after the walk?? hehehe~~ :p

    1. Oh, dinner must not be missed.. homecooked food.. so it is alright.. hehehe

  6. Looks like clear sky, no haze. I will join you for the food & walk. Roundier mean properous leh.

  7. I definitely like Penang bridge, but I like the second one more, but also just see it from far, not using it >.<

  8. I wouldn't mind going for the food and the walk and the climb too. As Irene say, roundie you means prosperous you hahaha!

  9. wei...new hair style ya? Muda jor leh

    adui.....hungry la when i see the ood though i baru ate nasi lemak...cham...me becoming Jughead jor

  10. The food looks good. I've tried organic vegetarian food and I like it!

  11. beautiful and clear skies in Penang....great for outdoor walks...

  12. Your never aged. Now even prettier with the new hair do! Peewwiit!!!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...