Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Siamese Laksa And Ipoh Delights Ipoh Garden And Menglembu

STARTED BACK FROM PENANG AT AROUND 10AM after my breakfast and I reached Ipoh toll at at 11.30am, this time I checked myself how long it takes to drive from one end to the other.  Thank God for Smooth traffic and I reached home feeling not tired at all... Still have strength to wash my porch, mopped the whole house and cleaned up ...

At around 1.45pm, I was sitting down patiently waiting my foodie friends to come and pick me up for lunch!  Our destination... Ye Sing restaurant along the Paragon Hotel, Ipoh....
Annie Khoo's famous Siamese and Assam Laksa!
Our humble lunch... 
After that, we went to do some errands... 
At around 3pm, someone suggested going to Menglembu for some light snacks.... 
On the way, my friend bought some crispy fried RP from First Garden!
A packet of Chee Cheong Fun in Menglembu near the market.. RM2
Cooling jelly as desserts....
Oh, I took half of this only... seriously... 
Our foodie galore!! 
This is not a light snack after all.... 
Even the vendor was laughing along with us... 
 Slowly does it... Let's just enjoy our street party....


  1. wah, three of you and that's indeed a street food party galore!! no wonder the lady boss was so happy, hehe... and you mentioned you had half of those fried nin koe, half a piece or half a packet?? hahaha~~ drooling at the Laksa and the RP leh.. :p

    1. hahha... half a piece... wonder where the other half has gone.. half packet sure pengsan!

  2. That was indeed a fun food day! Now must double the rounds of walking exercise! I love the Siamese laksa and also the assam laksa!

    1. Nice catching up with you two... hope the others can come out one day...

  3. i very like ipoh as there have many nice foodssss....yummy~

  4. Replies
    1. Nowadays peanuts also expensive Menglembu brand! hahaha.

  5. Surprisingly you are still so energetic after driving such a long journey. That bowl of cooling dessert for me anytime.

  6. Tell you something, yesterday i pass by a stall selling fried nian gao, i could not resist the temptation, so buy and eat it, hehe...

    1. After seeing mine? hahaha... dont eat so much...

  7. Fuiyoh, I see siew yok, I see Nata De Coco desserts, I like leh.. Give me 3 bowls, thank you !!

  8. Roasted pork belly!! My feet goes weak looking at it!!

    I want that bowl of dessert too.

  9. Reading your posts makes me think: okay what, retired life. Eat eat eat eat eat and eat! :D

  10. Aiyo, I want to join your gang, can or not? hee...hee...

    1. By all means!! We will always attack your house for desserts! hahahaa..

  11. not bad...after doing all the house chores have no guilt to eat more...haha!

  12. Humble lunch ah??? I see roast pork...yummy

  13. Wah, the siew yok looks delicious! I want!

  14. Muahahahahaha

    Your 3pm light snack was so heavy!!! Look at that yummy Roast Pork!!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...