Friday, October 2, 2015

Let's Rock Again With The Curry!

IT HAS BEEN SOME TIME SINCE I LAST WENT TO LET'S ROCK... Taking dinner here reminds me of some bittersweet memories cos this is one of my mom's favourite place, she loves to come here for the soup noodles and at times for the curry... so much so that when she suggested this place, my siblings and I would say, "Oh no, not again???"

I guess it is more than a year since my last visit to this shop... this time there were four of us and I was kind of yearning for the claypot curry fish head.... and these were what I ordered....

This is a "S" size claypot curry fish head which cost RM25 now....
Besides fish head in the santanic curry, 
there are prawns, long beans, brinjals, okra, beancurd skin as well...
Lots of fried stuff to choose from too....
Now... these are my choices....  a bit of this and that... 
And the best part is the mixed noodles...
Best eaten with the creamy curry!


  1. I always think that curry is best taken with plain rice. Is that bowl of mixed noodles suppose to eat on its own or with the curry?...and a bit of this & that makes a good bowl of soup.

    1. We ate the noodles with curry.. taste as good... curry noodles .. hahahaa.

  2. No rice to go with the curry? I also think curry goes best with rice.

    1. For a change with noodles also nice for me...

  3. Fish? I thought I saw a prawn in it? Ah said that. Guess that will bring the taste to a whole new level, can never go wrong with prawns. RM25 is so cheap! Ya, noodles? No rice with the curry?

    1. Yes, besides fish... some other ingredients as well... cheap? I think gone up 2rm...

  4. I go Ipoh, we go there eat, ok, wink wink...

  5. Oh yes, curry fish head rocks! Very nice to lam the curry gravy on noodles. Aiyo, feel so hungry now!

  6. This is also my favourite place because of the fish head curry with lots of other treasures in the curry.

  7. Wow! The fish head curry looks delicious and big.
    I have also started avoiding all the restaurants that I took my late mum to eat.
    I have so few places left to dine so I started going to new places. It really made
    me emo and lose my appetite a bit to think of those good days.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...