Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Meet-Up At Peking Noodles House, Ipoh

WOKE UP TO THE SOUNDS OF MUSIC.... but alas, the music was from the lawn mower! Why did this fella have to come so early in the morning to cut grass?? I am a light sleeper, any kind of noise especially those unwanted ones will be able to wake me up from my dreams...

Leaving no choice, I got up much earlier than my waking time and did some chores to pass time.  My appointment for this morning was at 11am and I had my first meal of the day with two friends, they are also bloggers and I am sure many know them too!
We had our meetup in Peking Noodles house suggested by Cheah... 
Elin and I tried the noodles made from spinach *bayam*
Cheah's order is the regular one... 
We had some side orders... crispy fried "sengkuang" with spring onions... 
Quite tasty.... I know I should refrain...
Two pieces and that was it...
The beancurd was kind of special too... 
And our brunch was complete... 
Will be able to last me throughout the day till dinner... *I hope*
Had a good time catching up with one another...
Hope we will catch up again one day.... 
*Now yearning for some desserts!*


  1. The fried sengkuang looks like got cheese inside, looks good, fried stuff all I like :)

  2. Have not been to Noodle House here for a while now, you went there when you were here - always so packed, full house and so noisy so not all that keen to drop by. What time do you wake up usually? I get up around 4 or 5 something? Wish I could just sleep in and wake up late like everybody else now that I've retired...but just cannot. :(

    1. Oh, not so early la!! That is the best time to continue sleeping.. I normally sleep late ard midnight and wake up at least eight or nine hours or more later.. hahhaha...

  3. The beancurd, wanna try if have the chance...

  4. ooh, the noodles looks good woh, can see from the photo it's very springy.. and then all those fried stuffs are really great to go with the noodles leh.. hahaha, just two pieces of the sengkuang?? i actually love that, i guess only in Ipoh?? can't find these (or shall i say nice ones) in KL anymore leh~~

    1. Two pieces will do.. we ladies are not big eaters.. hahaha..

  5. I'll have the spinach noodle please. The noodles liew look like pan mee liew. Always nice to meet up and catch up with friends.

  6. You make me hungry all the time. Haiz! hah..hah...

  7. How I love those three bowls of noodles. Looking at them make my tummy growling.

  8. Where is this? Don't think I've seen any of these in Ipoh. lol! around which area ya?

  9. Where is this? Don't think I've seen any of these in Ipoh. lol! around which area ya?

  10. The crispy fried sengkuang looks delicious for my TV snacks!
    How come you posted the threesome photo twice, I am curious.
    One lady opened and closed her eyes in your "Spot The Difference" eye test.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...