Friday, October 30, 2015

Wheeling On Tram To Romer, Frankfurt

YAY!! WOKE UP FEELING ALL EXCITED AND ENERGIZED TO START OFF OUR SIGHTSEEEING!  Aaron as usual does his "homework" each night, where to go, what tram to take so on and so forth... He is our tour guide abd my personal wheel-pusher... 😃
At the tram station just few minutes away from our hotel.... Tram comes every few minutes..
We bought a group ticket, just €10 and we can go anywhere in a day.... 
Inside the tram... Disable friendly and most of the stops enables wheelchair bounds exits...
Aaron holds the map with him all the time to check the exits....
We went out of town and back again by tram... Made our money worth.. Hahaaaa....
Then we got down at Romer, a tourist spot....
Wedding bells was ... It was a joyous occasion....
And we saw them releasing the balloons....
And one flew in my direction to my surprise... One lady picked it up for me and insisted that I take it...
Tied it to my wheelchair as a rememberence....

A happening place here..... Saw groups of asian tourists too...
Live Music looming around the restaurants...
Checking out the places to take our lunch... We were very hungry by then...
And soon... The dishes were served....

Some German sausages with sour cabbage....
And their famous Pork Knuckle!!
Our second German meal..... Yummss!!
Love the sour cabbage...
Something like our malaysian salted vegetables!
Two plates for the three of us.... Yummylicious!!
Food cost around €25 plus... 
Not too bad, right!!


  1. The food was huge and worth the price. A very lovely town.

    German sausage and pork knuckle. That are what the Germans love other than their beers! It is Octoberfest there, did anyone drink??

    1. Yes, these are their specialty... Yes beer is cheap....

  2. The food looks so yummy especially the pork knuckle.

  3. The sour cabbage, they call what kim chi is to Korean, both I am not fond of, acquired tastes and fat people are not fond of sour things. Gimme gimme gimme...the sausages!!! Pork knuckle again!!! Waiyor!!!!! I'm dying of envy!!! Yum yummmm!!!!!

  4. the glass of drink looks huge..big piece of pork knuckle, very filling meals.

    1. The drink is normal size but the meals are quite huge....

  5. I think of pork knuckles, sausages and sauerkraut already.. yummzz.. But I don't fancy that sauerkraut so much, coz it's sour.. I can finish the whole pork knuckle though :)

  6. I knew you surely felt energized and refreshed the next day after a good sleep haha..

    eih?? group ticket for the three of you?? €10 for one whole day of unlimited ride for a group!! that's good deal..

    ah!! German sausages (bratwurst one of them in the plate??), knuckles, sauerkraut!! but you didn't have beer?? I love the potatoes under the knuckle too!! and that's €25 for total, about the same price having them here in KL..

    1. Yes good deal if travel in a group of five maximum...

  7. a balloon fly to your direction ah? Means got luck coming lo :)

  8. Ahhhh I want some pork knuckles now!!!

  9. Ah, at last some sausages! The potatoes served with the pork knuckle look pretty good too!

  10. Ah you are eating authentic sauerkraut! Here in kl can't get authentic sauerkraut. Are they sour or just salty?

  11. The food looked really delicious and suits my liking. I will get fat and happy there!
    I am surprised they do serve sour cabbages too. I think I ate them somewhere but forgotten.
    The buildings are again, very nice!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...