Sunday, November 22, 2015

Filled With Strength And Softness

THERE ARE DAYS WHEN THERE THERE IS NO RAIN, the sun shines hot and bright in Ipoh... now that I am confined to the house most of the time, I spent a lot of time in front of the TV with the ceiling fan in full blast.  But I still sweat profusely at times and tissue after tissue are always within the hand's reach.  Many a time, I received comments like... "Hey, what is that white thing on your hair?"  That, of course, is the speck of tissue stuck to my hair when I wiped my face....  Well, I am sort of a "cheapskate" when it comes to tissues, I buy the cheapest or the ones on promotion and normally they come with two thin ply of soft paper... once wiped, it teared and at times, leave traces of them behind on my sweated face... :)

Those with three ply are generally more pricey but of course, more quality la..... And for once, I get to experience these beauty and scented facial tissues when I received them two days ago....
Came in a box filled with these goodies....
Two boxes of 3-ply scented facial tissues, one scented candle in a glass
and a rose made from the scented tissue....

Something looking on with interest on the "goodies"....
                        One touch on the tissue and I know they won't leave traces on my sweaty face.... 
Testing.... testing.....
See ... the difference of a 3-ply tissue...
A hand-made flower from this Kleenex Scented Tissue...
I cannot claim credit on this handicraft flower....
It is specially made for me by my special friend when I requested for one...
So Sweet of Her!!
She always uplift me with these words...
*What are friends for.... *


  1. so , you and mamarazi playing tissue papers today?

  2. Why everybody getting free scented tissue paper, none for me? *sulk...sulk*

    1. You also want? Sure? Let me know... :)

    2. tsk tsk tsk...already give link in my blogpost on how to get the free tissue paper leh. Hmm....must be speed reading punya pasal

  3. A very nice rose made from the scented tissue paper.

  4. The handmade flower looks like a hair scrunchy at first..Very nice oohh.. Makes me wana take it and tie my hair with it, haha..

  5. Mine masuk air a bit ...sobs sobs...was not at home to collect it :(

    1. Oh ic... tapi boleh pakai lagi, kan? Ask for two more boxes... hehehe...


Thank you, readers!

What We Ate In Tokyo

WE SPENT ONLY THREE NIGHTS IN TOKYO... We arrived a day earlier than my second son and family.... and the next morning we went to Tokyo Towe...