Sunday, November 8, 2015

Glimmering Eiffel Tower At Dusk

IT WAS ALMOST DUSK WHEN WE ESCALATED DOWN FROM EIFFEL TOWER.... Managed to capture a few more pictures before it grew dark.  The queue was still long when we reached the ground... it had been a long day and after taking some final pictures of the tower, we decided to call it a day.  We took a cab back to our homestay and rested our weary feet....

My friend captured this picture on a higher level.....
This was before it grew dark....
From our eye level when we reached the ground....
Glimmering before our very eyes....
One more picture before we left the scene.....
Don't know when we would be coming back this way again.... 
And if I do, it would be certainly Without Wheels! :)


  1. Luckily you stayed long enough to catch the glittering tower. Most travelers don't know about this and rush to get away before dark!

  2. Stunning glittering tower of gold! More beautiful at dusk than in daylight!

  3. The night view from the tower is stunning! The tower at nice is so brightly lit. How much was the cab fare back? Was it difficult to get a cab?

    1. No, cab is very easily accessible.. I think it is 20 euro to get back to our homestay..

  4. Truly beautiful!!! A memory to last a lifetime!

    1. Wonder when I could go again.. I think very hard.. hahahaa..

  5. Glittering tower, first time I see leh.. Usually I see people pose during daytime only..

    1. If own tour, then time is more flexible but got to do homework,.. :)

  6. beautiful and magnificent.. I've only been to the lower deck and not any higher.. maybe next time I should try that, and opt to take the stairs instead of the lift, hehe~~

    1. Ours is also first level... to go up to the very top, have to pay differently... and disable cannot go up to the top.. :)

  7. I m so so so jealous now...with the weakening RM now, goin to Europe would be only in my dream now....The sunset lomantic...

  8. Beautiful place.. I've just been there like weeks ago! :D But didn't go up though - went up to Montparnasse Tower instead. :)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...