Sunday, November 1, 2015

Window Shopping And Tea At Kamps

WE DISCOVERED THE SHOPPING STREET AS WE WALKED FURTHER UP... Even though it was a weekday, the area was quite crowded.... We followed the crowd, walking and pushing myself up and down, in and out of the malls.. Primart must be one of the most popular shop around there, noticed that most shoppers have one of the Primart in their hands ... Indeed the prices are quite reasonable...
Claire's accessories seems to be everywhere....
In front of Fossil and I didn't even buy anything!
I have been a good girl... My hands proved it... 
At places where I wanna rest, I stand up.... Yes, standing is resting.... 
And I normally do when my butt gets too tired of sitting on the wheelchair...
Even sitting on the bench gives me some comfort and consolation from the wheels...
But it is good to walk again and I hope it will be soon... My butt is really flatten by now....
No joke having to sit all the time on the same chair day in and out...
But I notice my friend is more tired than me....why is it so?  
No joke being a pusher too, I guess... So sorry for her....
Come, lets have some nice hot latte here at the Kamps!
So much to choose from.....
But we ended up with these only.. Latte and some light snacks..
Apple Strudel...
Croissant and pretzel... 
First ... Do some dipping..... Hmmmm....
And that was it..... Just eat what I have in my hand... 
I am not a Latte lover anyway.....


  1. Thought you could get some exercise over this vacation but end up sitting and eating more. Not only your butt flat, I bet. The waistline also expanding?? ^^

  2. Yes, I saw your name, you do own one there. It is always good to be able to get up & move around even for a short pace. Can see that you enjoy your latte & snacks.

  3. Hahahahahaha!!!! Very good girl, got sales resistance. Didn't buy anything at Fossil. Wowwww!!!! That's a huge croissant. Ya...I'm like you, not fan of latte.

  4. Nice snacks you had! I can imagine that once you recover, you will be walking all over the place!

  5. Wah Kamps! My lunch place also when I was in the Germany leg of the Europe Tour!

  6. I opposite with you, i am a coffee lover, hehe....

  7. Claire, it is good to stand up once in a while to rest your butt, ha ha ha...I can see from your facial expression that you are not a latte lover!

  8. Hahaha, I see you find your shop everywhere you travel. :) Nice snacks!

  9. Your pushers are very kind people and I am sure they burnt many calories everyday.
    I love all the western cakes and desserts anytime. Sweet and fattening, I love them!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...