Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Home Coming Reunion Dinner At Kok Thai Restaurant, Ipoh

YES, HE CAME HOME FOR HIS PRE-CNY REUNION DINNERS!  But very soon he will be flying thousand of miles back to super cold weather again.  Since he could not be back for CNY, he wants to have a feel of the reuniting with all his family members and friends and thus the foodie marathon begins the moment he stepped down to Singapore and then Johor, Ipoh and Penang... and er... well, that is in his itinerary list, see how much we can cover in so little time... So far, he has covered Johor... now Ipoh...
We had our first reunion dinner at Kok Thai Restaurant.... 
We ordered five dishes for the six of us.....
Steamed ginger kampong chicken... a real confinement dish!
Assam curry seafood 
Mixed vegetables....
Kailan with yummy yam!
And our favourite claypot seafood varieties....
Bill came to around RM159 with rice and drinks...
Kok Thai is still my favourite restaurant...
And in my condition, it is most convenient...
Parked right in front and just a few steps and into the restaurant!


  1. Yes, I remember you have blogged about this restaurant few times before. Tasty food & with great company.

    1. Yes, like Arthur blogged about Payung and Ruby! hahahaa...

  2. Oh, he's home. That's nice. Not staying till Chinese New Year? You're joining him on his food marathon? Come, put Sibu on the list - hop over for a few days! If he likes Auntie Mary's cooking, Sibu is where she comes from - where all the good food is. Wink! Wink! LOL!!!

    1. Most of his meals come from Mary's home now... he is indeed very thankful to the Mohs!

  3. U know what to do when i go Ipoh since Kok Thai is your favourite restaurant, wink wink hint hint...

  4. oh, he is back for his pre-CNY celebration and keep you company.. hahaha, already planned for SG, JB, Ipoh and Penang?? hmmm, i think no problem accomplishing that mission, not how much you can cover but how much you can eat, hehe.. BTW, i love that assam fish and also the two veggie.. :)

    1. Yes, how much can I eat... but just like to taste a bit here and there nevertheless...

  5. What a heart warming post to see a happy reunion with loved ones. I like what you ate as usual. We seem to have same tastes. You are so blessed to have very loving kids and I really salute your son's caring heart for his mama.

    1. I think these are the common dishes cooked in Kok Thai... yes, I am a very chinesey auntie.. always go for this type of food!

  6. Happy reunion for your family. Enjoy the company and the food too! Feed your son with all the CNY goodies!

    1. Feed him till he becomes rounder and rounder...

  7. Nice family and cny reunion. Happy food hunting. Am sure he would miss the good time, company and food when he flies away.

    Assam curry and claypot seafood for me!

    1. Thank you Rose.. Gaining weight before CNY!! hahahaa

  8. Pre CNY reunion - so sweet of him to think of having a pre CNY reunion since he could not make it for CNY this year.

  9. Wah nice lo, at least he fly back to see you all ma. CNY or before CNY also okay lah. Better than no flying back right? ;)

    1. hahahaa.. no fly back also no mind... but fly back nicer la.. hahahaa

  10. What a nice homecoming with all that delicious food!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....