Monday, January 11, 2016

Ma Chai Ice Kacang In Menglembu

ON THE WAY BACK FROM BATU GAJAH, we stopped at Menglembu to have our afternoon tea.  The sun was blazing hot above our heads and we were desperately looking for something "quenchy" to soothe our throats... And it has been a long time since I last stepped inside Ma Chai in Menglembu town, I was all for it when there was an empty parking lot right at the side of the shop.

Immediately we stepped inside and sat the table nearest to the lot.  Immediately something caught my eye, I quickly made my order and sat quietly while my friends went to survey....

This was the one which caught my attention!
I haven't tasted peanuts crushed like this before on my ABC....
Ma Chai is famous for their Chee Cheong Fun and Nasi Lemak actually....
We ordered these two types to share.... 
But I was more focused on my dessert...
Not too sweet, just nice for my liking!


  1. I heard so much about Menglembu place - for their food. Delicious one.
    Ma Chai Ice Kacang looks tempting and cooling.

  2. I would love to have that too...but I'm too lazy to go out. :(

  3. Ma Chai is a place in Menglembu or it's the name of the shop you went?? wah, that ABC special is surely something good to have under the hot weather.. so do you now prefer crushed peanuts or whole peanuts for your ABC?? i think i still prefer whole peanuts, more chunky and more taste, hehe..

    1. Ma Chai is the name of the shop.. quite confusing I made it, huh...

  4. Wah, I need a bowl of ice kacang now! Weather is turning so hot lately!

    1. Same same here.. but it has been raining in the night.. good weather!

  5. I like the blended hong tau sah (red bean). Lunch time very crowded.

  6. It has been very hot lately. Panting and sweating.

    I could need a bowl of ice kacang now. Really kacang. So much crushed peanuts.

    1. Yeah, I don't mind crushed peanuts.. easier for me.. ! :)

  7. The ABC certainly caught my attention too!

    Now I want one!

  8. This morning, the weather is hot, then afternoon, the weather turn to rain...

    1. Oh same here... nowadays weather is like that...

  9. Hot weather, I am craving for the dessert now.

  10. Now the weather is very hot so having a delicious Ice Kacang is so cooling and refreshing!

  11. Wah ... I badly need that ice kacang now !! So hot here !!

  12. I am not really into ice kacang and I prefer cendol. But chee cheong fan, yes, I very like!

    1. Wahhhh...cendol also I super like..creamy and santanic!

  13. This is the first time hearing of Menglembu's Ma Chai. What a easy name to remember!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....