Monday, February 22, 2016

Dinner With The Cat Family At Yin Her, Sg Buloh


We were supposed to meet up for dinner on Saturday but due to some functions held near the area I was staying, it was almost impossible to go out.... I was kind of disappointed for not seeing them as planned... then to my delight, they would be coming the next evening to pick me up for dinner!  So.. all is not lost... in fact all well ends well during this short trip to KL...

Alright, where did they take me this time?  They took me to Yin Her Restaurant... a very familiar name, a place where Kathy have posted up a few times in her blog....  ahaaaa... I am very pleased the name dawned upon me at the very last moment... *Proves I do have a stronger memory for food places!* hahahaha...

I was told that this restaurant was being renovated....
The last time they came, it was an open-air restaurant...
Business must be very brisk and good!
We have two options.. either to sit inside the air con restaurant...
Or to have our dinner here.... with cool air.... 
And facing the fishing pond.....
We opted for the latter.... 
More natural with the cool evening breeze....
See what my friend brought along!!
Yes, fresh prawns all the way from Indonesia...
Not ordinary prawns but real Tiger ones!
Someone is hard at work with the " DIY Loe Sang"
Someone I knew sponsored this Loe Sang..
Thank you... it was indeed appetizing and nice!
As for our dishes.... Marmite pork ribs...
My favourite soup... Spinach...
oppppsss... Did you see what I saw?
Love their "wok hei" fried rice... 
Now as I wrote this, my tummy is growling!
Last and not least... the Tiger Prawns with salted egg.... 
Oh my goodness!  How I wish I could eat them all.... 
Greedy me!
Thumbs UP for the yummylicious Dinner!
Thank you so much, dears!
I am so Blessed.....
See, even Small Kucing is so happy and Cute!!
Dear Santa, I've been Kinda Good This Year....
He certainly IS!!


  1. Nice dinner. All looks great especially the marmite pork ribs & salted prawns. I like how they fried their rice.

    1. It was a great treat given.. Dinner was fabulous.. I was super full!

  2. Lovely dinner. Nice place to have good food.

    Love the fried rice. The way I like it.

    That is a very colourful yee sang, knowing how hard it was made. Hahaha.

    1. hahaha.. Indeed it was colourful... once a year, lantak lah.. just eat and be happy!

  3. great dinner u had there..The fried rice looks good! drooling here..

    1. You all seem to like the fried rice as much as I do! hahahaa

  4. wah, thank you the Cat Family to represent the KL bloggers to host this Ipoh Food Mayor, hahaha!! wah, from open-air to now air-conditioned, sure very good business leh.. the Marmite ribs look good, and of course the salted egg yolk prawns is to die for!! hmmm, i saw what you saw in the veggie, are we seeing the same thing?? and i also saw something on the table that does not belongs to the shop, someone just went there for a quick snack before dinner?? :p

    1. Opposite kiszania is mcd leh....kihkihkih ...

    2. Very observant of SK la!! I had to scroll up to see what that do not belong to the restaurant! hahahaa..

  5. At this time, reading your blog, and looking at all the foods, although i have taken my dinner, my stomach is growling too, hehe...

  6. Extra protein in the spinach? I think I saw a little one. The cat family is always so kind and friendly.

    1. Indeed they are... always love to have them come to Ipoh and to see them in KL...

  7. You are indeed blessed with a great yummy dinner. I like the environment of the restaurant. Ha ha...that something in the spinach dish is an added nutrition!

    1. Yeah lo... the workers must be pretty fast in their jobs..Overlooked.. hahahaa..

  8. When you asked ooops, did we see what you saw, I think of hamsap things already.. Spinach stem with that piece of fried garlic "hanging there", looks like balls ahh? hehehe..

  9. Hahaha, yalah yalah, Papa hard at work preparing the Lou Sang, he also hard at work giving silent moral support. So yeah, he has been kinda good this year! XD

  10. Yin Her, name of old song, old movie, right? Hey! Why cat family, no fish? Chinese New Year must eat fish wor. LOL!!! Wah!!! Full concentration, that papakucing take gambar real terror one, can see or not...macam straining his eyes? Muahahahahahaha!!!!

    1. Don't play play... he is really serious... NO need fish fish one... Prawn is much better!! Har Har Har....

  11. So, they managed to kidnap you again :D Wah, I tell you, I can finish up those prawns all by myself too hee..hee...

  12. Lol....glad we managed to meet up at last. Promised to bring you to Yin Her many years ago. Only last weekend managed to do so.☺

    1. I forgotten all about this place you used to mention... yeah, good for you to remember.. now at least I have been there.. Thank you so much once again for the wonderful meal!


Thank you, readers!

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