Friday, February 26, 2016

My Choice Of Penang Delights

ALRIGHT, I KNOW I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TRAVELING AND DRIVING SO MUCH...  Well, I think I really cannot sit still in Ipoh, something must be "prickly" there and despite my "limp", I still managed to pack my bags and "eloped" the very next morning after my trip down south.  I am not Batman or Batwoman but"BAGWOMAN"...  for I always seem to be leaving with my bag going here and there... hahahaha....

So this "Bagwoman" has landed in the Pearl of the Orient and will be here for some days for a few purposes only known to my family and selected friends.  Since I am here, I will make use of this time to post up what I have eaten for the past few days.... nothing special such as fine dining of the sort instead most of my meals are from hawker stalls on the roadside and in the market....
Prawn noodles at Batu Lancang Market... 
Pasembur with sweet potato sauce, I super LIKE!

Koay Teow Th'ng should not be missed as well....
Hokkien mee at Pulau Tikus coffeeshop....
Fried Kueh Kak....
Cendul at Penang Road....
Ice Kacang on a super hot day at the same stall....
I like the "Atapchee"
Is that what the white thing is called?
Then night came, we went to the Jelutong Market...
Sitting next to the drain for the added ingredients...
Fried koay teow with fish balls and prawns... 
And my favourite dessert soup is "Mutt Toe Yau"
aka "Everything got"
Yes, my choice of food from different stalls...
Will post up more of Penang delights in days to come...


  1. All my favourites in Penang though I am not fond of ice kacang that much...and that last one. You must come and try our ngor bee th'ng - bet you will love it!

  2. I am drooling looking at what you had in Penang! The best foods are to be had at the hawkers stalls. No wonder you can stay so slim because you can't sit still LOL!

  3. hehe BAGWOMAN!! I think you have been staying at home too much when your leg was still recovering, so now as soon as you can move more conveniently, you want to start to FLY!! hehe, good thing also la, go out to see more of the world and of course EAT!!! I love the cendul and ABC, slurps slurps!!

  4. All looks so good. Spoilt for choice. Your chiak chiak programme is still on going, hahaha!!!!

    1. Slowly and steadily.. now gaining weight back to normal, Irene!

  5. wah...all so 'sedap'! I see those picture till 'lao-hao-sui' liao!

    1. Almost the same kind of food but different stalls only.. :)

  6. So torturing looking at your food photos! Missing Penang hawker food!

  7. The Koay Teow Th'ng attracted me the most,hehe...

  8. All look so tasty! Your girl there doing industrial attachment?

  9. Hahaha, you are eating like how I used to on my 1st year in Penang. Everyday go here go there to makan. Nowadays I only stick around to places near where I stay...

  10. All tasty looking. I wouldnt mind packing and travelling for food. But not now. Wait till all my kids grow up. Hahaha.

    Hope your foot is better and stonger. Take care.

    1. Yeah I better rest my food more.. I mean my foot!

  11. All are delicious, I am salivating when looking at each of the photos here.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...