Friday, March 11, 2016

A Short Visit To Syamille Resort Kati, Kuala Kangsar

AFTER OUR LUNCH IN SAUK, WE DID NOT PROCEED STRAIGHT BACK TO IPOH... The boss's daughter told us that there is an agrofarm to visit if we were interested.  Oh oh... hearing that, I didn't have to ask whether we were going or not, anything to do with agriculture, someone with us sure is interested....

First thing to do when we got back to the car was to switch on the GPS... but then our "driver" is very efficient one, no need directions also able to find the place!  Actually we just need to be observant of the signboards.. hhhahaa... but yours truly sitting behind did not contribute much.... I trust two of my friends, the driver and the GPS co-driver... hahahaha...

We thought the agro farm is just at the main road... we were wrong..
We had to go through a narrow road where only one car can pass... otherwise..
Either one car got to maneuver to the side and might hit some of the plants shown above... 
We were amazed to see some sort of a resort or recreation park here... 
Restoran Syamille... Traditional Malay food...
Looks like an interesting eye opener...
And we walked around.... 
Natural resort from the hustle and bustle of the town... 
Row of chalets as we walked along...
Looks clean and nice too...
Verandah for relaxation... 
 A pond just opposite the chalet filled with fishes... 
My friend must have caught something interesting there....
A mini zoo if I am not mistaken....
I caught this.... beautiful blooms...
Not so deep a pond... should be safe to walk around....
Somewhere along the way, we captured ourselves...
My friends seemed to be enjoying....
Yes, we definitely did!
Oh yes, never leave home without my faithful stick....
Resting my weary legs along the way...
Soon it was time to make a move...
A very foodful and fruitful day for us trio.... 
Where next.... I wonder!!


  1. That was a very enjoyable and yummy foodie day trip to Sauk!

    1. Indeed it was... just nice.. no rush to make...

  2. Killing two birds with one enjoyable lunch & trip. Peaceful & nice place to explore.

  3. Looks like a quiet place to relax.

  4. Love the place, so nice. I imagine it to be really peaceful, relaxing...far from the noise and the haste, the pollution and everything in the at my girl's school in the jungle.

    Your kaki ok already. Went to a car wash yesterday. I was sitting there, waiting - so many cars, place so narrow and the guy reversing my car ran over my toes!!! Luckily, ok...nothing, no damage done. I guess my bones still ok. Hehehehehehe!!!!

    1. Oh my gosh!! Did he really... how come when he reversed, you didn't notice? If it were mine, I guess all crushed liow.. :(

  5. Claire, by looking at your life, i know happiness is so simple for you. You have friends, outings, good food and and families.

    1. Yes, now simple living... hahaha.. live within means...

  6. Interesting discovery. Nice photos you shared here, Claire.

  7. this is surely a place very close to the nature.. the plants and flowers and also the pond.. but i guess after staying a while out there, i would quickly run into the house to take a shower and enjoy the air-cond, hahaha!! :p

  8. Oh no... What happened that you still need tongkat? I thought you have fully recovered. Take care yeah.
    I am surprised that Kuala Kangsar has so many farms and chalets these days. I heard my bosses JV with someone there too. I didn't want to join them as I have to take care of my old man.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...