Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My All England Championship 2016 Gift

WHEN AARON TOLD ME THAT HE WAS DRIVING DOWN TO BIRMINGHAM with his friends to watch the All England Badminton Open, I was feeling the excitement as much as he did.  The eight hours drive did not dampen their enthusiasm of watching the tournament live!  Even taking a day off from work, the long journey, one night stay in the hotel and driving back immediately after watching was much anticipated....

Yours truly over here was feeling the excitement too and wanted to be part of their entourage, if possible... hahahaha..  Knowing it was not possible to be there as well, the only thing closest to feeling the atmosphere was to request my son to take some pictures and send over via whatsApp to me when he reached the arena....

These are some of the pictures he has taken.....
During the semi final live.... 
Before the game starts.. after that, no photoshooting with flash lights...
This must be from the place where they were seated... 
These were given free.... for the special seats....
These are used for cheering!
Gifts' corner....
Unfortunately our Malaysian players were all ousted out before the finals... 

Despite that, I have the greatest consolation....
Aaron bought this for me!
A memorable gift from the real Live Event!
All England Championships 2016...


  1. Replies
    1. Too sweet for me.. but I wear it all the same...

  2. I watched the ladies singles final on TV, wa suka sama itu Jepun punya ahmoi. When she won, her smile was so sweet! XD

  3. What a pretty pink T-shirt! Suits you. Will you be framing it or wearing it?

  4. I would love to be there too. Feel the atmosphere and excitement. Haha.

    Beautiful pink shirt. Would look good on you. Wear and show us, ya?

  5. You, not so into that Datuk anymore these days. Last time, die-hard loyal supporter. Old horse, can retire liao lor. Hehehehehe!!!!

    1. I am still into it.. but of course, wont cry if he doesn't win la.. patriotic ma.. hahahaa

  6. Aaron knows what is best for mum, eh?....Love the soft colour of your T-shirt. Never know that you are a die hard fan of them too. Cheerssss!!!!

    1. I love watching badminton... but no chance to go only...

  7. Nice colour of the shirt... Pls wear and show us...

  8. Wah! 8 hours drive macam Alor Star to Singapore! Your son is Iron Man.
    I love that nice T shirt.

    1. There are two other drivers.. so it is ok with them...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...