Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ah Chai's Rojak And Leaning Tower Of Teluk Intan

FROM GOPENG WE DROVE ON TO TELUK INTAN... But before we did, I quickly logged in to safari and keyed in "what's famous food in Teluk Intan." First thing on the list is Ah Chai Rojak!  Oh, I never heard of that and since we were still full, a plate of rojak sounds more than Great!

Then using Waze, we adjourned to Teluk Intan, Ah Chai Rojak, just keyed in that and the beautiful Voice from the handphone started to give us verbal directions.  Frankly speaking, this is the first time I have to really look at Waze... *previous times, I depended on my kids!*  And it was actually quite easy to use and to understand, for first time auntie user like me..... ahemmmm....

It was more than an hour journey to Teluk Intan...
Along the way we passed by some padi fields.... 
Weather was quite cloudy....
And finally..... 
We reached Ah Chai Rojak after some turnings lefts and rights...
The crowd was already there... 
And we made our way into the stall... 
And patiently waited for our turn.... 
Opted for sour plum to quench my thirst while waiting... 
And Ah Chai's Rojak was served.... 
Just a short wait.. ten to fifteen minutes... 
Very generous with their peanuts and gravy....
From the rojak stall, we drove to the Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan...
Is it slanting leftward?
Not very obvious but it is a fact....
My second time to the Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan... 


  1. Rojak sure looks good, lots of kacang. Aren't these towns quite far from Ipoh? You can go to all of them on a day trip - hit and run, eat and go back? I sure would love to go and visit all of them some day.

    1. This town Teluk Intan is one and half hours away from Ipoh... not near so we do not go often...

  2. Saw your rojak in fb.. Eh, I saw got taugeh? Never eaten taugeh in my rojak before wor, I usually ask for more keropok and pineapples only :)

  3. Usually, i like the you tiao in rojak...

    1. Johor style has you tiao... I seldom eat them cos too hard...

  4. The rojak is worth waiting for. Yup. A bit leaning to one side.

  5. sedapnyer rojak! I didn't realise there are so many stalls surrounding the tower these days....

    1. The last time I came, no stalls surrounding...

  6. I didn't know about the rojak so thanks for sharing! But cannot see what are the items in the rojak.

    1. hahahaaa.. too dark, right? normal fruits... this one has sotong too..

  7. I am amazed at how rajin you are to jalan jalan cari makan. For me, whatever can telan will do. I wont go far far. haha.

    1. Wait till kids big big.. then like me, nothing to do, go jalan jalan... cos I don't have handicraft fingers... hahahaa


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...