Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Auntie Reanaclaire Cooks In Johor

IT IS NOT ALL ON OUTSIDE FOOD and no homecooked food in the house... That is not my intention of going to Johore... *cough cough* ... No doubt the kitchen is small and "mini-sized", I cannot take that as an excuse.  By hook or by crook, somehow or anyhow, I managed to squeeze in a few dinners during my duration of my stay... not only for my kids, dinners for my in-laws as well.  Kitchen utensil are also quite limited but cooking for six or seven is still within my limits and "management"... hahahahaa...

Now I understand why those aunties take lots of food stuff whenever they go and visit their children staying outstation.... My own mother used to do that too, she bought fresh chickens from the market in Ipoh and took these chicks all the way to KL those days.  Look no further now, I am also doing the same thing, minus the fresh chickens , I brought along dry foodstuff instead, ingredients, mushrooms, red dates, Chinese sausages...and a bit of this and that.... *Yes, aunties will only understand*
Yes, I brought along my Sambar powder and whisked up a wok of greens...
A vegetarian dish!
My kids' favourite... from young till now.... 
Our all time favourite and simple dish....
Oh... one dish I dare not enlarged... 
See if anyone can noticed or not... 
As long as he gives the Thumbs Up, it is all that counts... 
On another occasion, we prepared a pot of "Poon Choy"...
This pot of goodness was sponsored and bought from Singapore...
As usual no presentation or garnishing of any kind..... 
Dinner for Six maximum...
The seventh person either have to eat in advance or to eat standing up!


  1. 6 eggs for 6 people, not enough eggs! Those braised meat+hard boiled eggs, I can eat the whole pot! Not kidding, if mil cooks this, I can eat 3 eggs!

    1. Oh, forgot to tell, one broke so I have eaten liow!

  2. Homecook food is simply the best. As long as your kids showed you a thumb up, that all you need.

    1. Yes, yes.. they are simple eaters, I guess.. hahaha

  3. I give you TWO Thumbs Up instead of one, hahahah. Is that potatoes cooked with meat?..if the answer is yes, then is my kids' favourite too. My guess on the dish you didn't enlarge is fish fried till chui chui, rite?

    1. Yes, potatoes with minced meat.. their dish from young... yes, fried fish till messed up! hahaha

  4. Of course, anything that mum cooks is the best, second to none outside. I love that one with all the eggs, stewed pork? Looks so good!!!

  5. Wah, this auntie not bad leh. Can cook for 6 or 7 people with minimal kitchen resources. Very nice, very nice! Eh, got vadai?

    1. Oh, that one not homemade... itu beli outside... hahahaa

  6. Very nice meals even with limited resources.

    I remember my aunt brought rice, fish and veggies from Singapore over to Kuching so she could cook porridge for her grandson whenever they came over for holidag.

    1. hahahaha..there, i told you.. aunties ma.. hahahaa

  7. homecooked meal is always the best!! am drooling here...

  8. I look at the photo very closely and I could just make out those two pieces of deep fried fish. Correct?

    Very tasty homecooked meal. Just buy a plastic chair and the 7th person can sit on it and squeeze in between the 6 of you to enjoy a close knitted warm meal together! :)

    1. Wah... you have good eyesight.. my fish so messed up also you can see!! hahahaa.... the house only got 6 chairs.. plastic chair also no place to put la..

  9. Eh the picture too small lah, cannot identify. I see 6 "donut" rings, you mean that one or the other one? That one really cannot make out is what...

  10. Ha ha...I think the one you dare not enlarge is the fried fish? No worries, it happens to most of us, me included, ha ha! As long as your kids give you the thumbs up, that's the most important thing. You are doing a great job cooking for 6 people! True!!!

  11. eating together is all that's matter..I do not mind sitting on the floor.haaa.


Thank you, readers!

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