Thursday, April 14, 2016

My iPhone 6 Received In April 2016

WHEN DINNER WAS OVER, everything cleaned and washed up, guests have left and I was settling down at the table to do my work, something was laid on the table right in front of me.... "Mum, this is for you.... "  
My Special Moment of the April, Year 2016...
My iPhone 6!!

My tears welled up, I choked on my words.... 
I looked up to him, no words came out.... 
My heart was so touched by his gift.... 

Ok, sorry... I was just exaggerating up there... 
Well, some are true of course...
I was touched, yes... deeply touched....
Cos he did not buy it for himself...
But for me... me........ !
He is still using his 2 year old Samsung...
And probably will be using for another next two years before the plan expires... 
The very next evening, he came back to do the necessary...
Transferring from my old phone to the new....
Not much difference in looks... 
Just a bit longer, slimmer, lighter... and canggih-er....

Posing with my Precious Gift.... 
Just in case I forget when I receive this...
This Post Is Born....
Thank you Handy Andy!!


  1. till see gigi no see eyes.

    Time for you to "heong zhai fook". ☺

  2. so blessed la someone give u iPhone6 wor....jealousnyer...

  3. Nice gift from your son. So I dont think this is your early Mother's Day present??? ^^

    Enjoy your new iphone.

    1. Hopefully not... another one coming perhaps? hahahaa..greedy mom!

  4. Wow, iphone 6, precious gift indeed. Too high tech for me. Enjoy using your new toy.

  5. What a wonderful son you have!!! You are truly very blessed. Enjoy your new toy!

    1. Thank you! my precious toy will be treasured...

  6. Andy is so very thoughtful to buy you a gift which is just right for you as it has a bigger screen and to transfer your data too. So will your old one be put aside as backup or you are going to hand it down to someone else?

    1. That has been handed down.. so I think I keep as spare...

  7. you are so blessed with good children, I hope to get such an attention when my kids grow up.

  8. Blessings overflowing. Beautiful pose with your precious gift.

  9. You are so blessed to have a thoughtful son. I know of some parents who have to buy handphone for their adult children. Tsk!

    1. Oh, all these while I used handmedown... hahahaaa

  10. I want! I want! I want!

    I never owned iPhones! I am so jealous now.

    Enjoy your new present, lucky Mama...

  11. Weh! That one crazy expensive leh!! I must make sure my mom does not read this post! :/


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...