Thursday, April 21, 2016

Revealed: Car Crashes Can Cause Fatal Injuries With No Signs

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A new study has revealed just how dangerous not getting checked out after a road accident can be. We’re sure a number of our readers have made this mistake in the past. You’ve been involved in a car accident. You check yourself for any injuries and find...nothing. There’s not a scratch on you. But in some cases, this can be worse than a bleeding wound. If a part of you is bleeding you are going to notice it eventually. But internal trauma can occur without any sign of an injury at all. Thanks to adrenaline you may not even experience any pain for some time. At which point it could very well be too late. So what steps should you take after being involved in a car accident?

Don’t Panic
It’s quite common for people to go into shock after a road accident. But this isn’t typically to do with an injury they’ve suffered. It’s just their body trying to deal with such a sudden occurrence. To prevent yourself from going into shock after an accident, regulate your breathing. Breathe in, count to ten and let it out. Do this at least five times until your heartbeat returns to a normal pace.

Check For Injuries
You must check yourself and anyone else in the car for any serious injuries. You may also want to check any other driver involved in the crash, particularly if they have been incapacitated. Remember, due to adrenaline it’s common not to feel a serious injury. You could have a large gash on your leg without realising it. That’s why you’ve got to check yourself and anyone else thoroughly.

Get A Professional Medical Opinion
It doesn’t matter if you think you’ve come out of the crash completely unscathed. You still need to get checked out by a doctor. It is going to feel completely pointless. But in this instance, it’s always better to act on the side of caution. If there is something wrong and there are no apparent signs, it could be serious. A concussion is common after a car accident due to the driver banging their head in the crash without realizing.

Don’t forget you’ve got to think about the legal side as well. You could have experienced a serious injury during the crash that has no signs. If the crash was caused by another driver, legally they are accountable. That injury might not affect you for some time after the crash. But it could still change your life. You might find yourself in constant chronic pain, caused by an unknown injury. If you don’t speak to a doctor, you’ll have no evidence this was due to a car accident. That’s why after you’ve seen a doctor you should always speak to a personal injury attorney and see where you stand.

Further Down The Road
Finally, it’s uncommon but not unknown for symptoms of an injury to develop weeks after a car accident. In this case, the victim simply hasn’t noticed the pain or symptom until it developed. At that point, you should still go see a doctor. You need to know exactly what’s wrong and whether it can be treated.

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