Monday, May 30, 2016

Giant Wheels At BP Anjung Indah, Balik Pulau

THE HAKKA VILLAGE WAS SOON FORGOTTEN BY US... We aborted our plan to go into the village after hearing that private cars cannot go up, we have to go to this village via the Land Rover.  The roads are narrow, we were told... so with tummies full after two durians, we made our way back to town.  This time we took another way back and on the way we passed through Betong village....

Through Betong village leading to Balik Pulau... 
Soon we arrived at Balik Pulau.. looking for Laksa... 
It was almost 3pm...
Unfortunately Laksa was already sold out ... 
Found this mural painting near the Laksa shop instead...
Half way down from Balik Pulau, we stopped at the stalls to take this scenery... 
There was a road leading uphill to a Thai restaurant called BP Anjung Indah...
Since we arrived at odd hours, there was no patrons as yet.... 
We just walked around adding memories to our camera... 
And wondering why there are so many bullock wheels here... 
The wheels as Big as yours truly.... 
The scenery at night must be spectacular up here... 
No, we did not have dinner at this place...
Perhaps next time when there is a bigger group....
The sky was getting cloudy and it was time for us to make our way back to Penang town...
Time to call it a day..
Just too bad we could not taste the Balik Pulau famous laksa....
Well, guess have to wait for my next trip then.... 


  1. Big wheels keep on turning, Proud Claire keep on rollin'. So what did you eat there?

    1. hahaha.. really rolling cos so rounded now... no, didnt eat anything ...

  2. A very fruitful trip to and from Balik Pulau. You snapped some very lovely photos even though you missed the laksa.

    1. Just a bit too late.. the shop owner cleaning up..

  3. Balik Pulau looks so peaceful compared to the other side of the island...very nice scenery up the hill and perhaps fresher air too?

    1. Yes, that is why the durians grow so plentiful up there.. hahahaa

  4. Did you see many durians stall just before the steep road up to BP Anjung Indah?

    1. Yes, there were a few... but we didn't try...

  5. I love everything about your trip, Claire! The mural is so good! And the elephants, pretty blue chairs, the pretty view and you with the wheels! This trip was perfect for a blog post!

  6. I think laksa have to wait until year end already. You go back next month or the following month, you will still be distracted by durians and more durians XD

  7. So much changes at Balik Pulau. I have not visited this place for many years now.

    The bullock cart wheels are unique to be there as they looked irrelevant. I don't recall the history showing any bullock carts in that area with so many slopes. The cows would freak out. LOL


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...