Thursday, May 26, 2016

Hollywood Food, Penang Durians And Ipoh Pomeloes Delights

AS EVENING APPROACHED, I had a nice dinner with a group of friends at Hollywood restaurant, Batu Feringgi.  It was my second time eating at this restaurant, mainly Hainanese styled, I was told.  I have not really tried much before and naturally I was looking forward to a night of new dishes.

As usual we were there quite early and before the other guests arrived, I quickly took some pictures of the empty hall...

The place where dinner was held... the side is facing the sea.... 
That is the sea I meant... but not meant for swimming though... 
And our dishes for the night were as follows... 
Cold dish... Jelly with Chicken and not sure what else... 
I am certainly not a fan of cold dish... :)
BBQ Meat.... They were not burnt though they looked somehow on the dark side.... 
Clams with some sweet sauce.. and after eating some, I called this..
Clams in Rojak sauce... 
Of the few dishes above, this looks more familiar to me....
Honey lemon chicken... Penang style... 
There is one more dish... fried meehoon with prawns... 
That came last and I did not manage to take it cos I was already "occupied'.... 
And above all, the main highlight was the Durian Desserts!
There were only seven of us and the hostess bought SEVEN packets....
Oh my goodness.... such delight!!
I ended trying one from each packet though... 
Oh, I did sponsor something too...
Notice the pink fruit?  Pomeloes from Ipoh mali....
After eating the durians, the pomeloes tasted kind of bitter.... 
I guess they should not combine... 
Another bittersweet kind of desserts!


  1. I like the BBQ meat like that, even if it is burnt a little. Nicer, very much more fragrant. Clams, prawns, chicken - all look good, dunno that jelly dish - never tried...and I would just stick to the pomelo - no, thank you to the durians. So so so so hot here these days, dunno there - best not to eat heaty fruits, so many people falling ill, dropping like flies.

    1. Oh, you are really strong not to eat durians! I am weak in temptation when it comes to food..

  2. I like the clam and bbq meat. The cold dish looked unique as served in jelly-like.

    Durian?? Not for me. No longer that crazy about the fruits for many years now. hahaha!

    1. Oh you dont like too.. me not as much as those days actually...

  3. I like this kind of BBQ meat on the dark side, nicer... yummy...

  4. Don't think i tried clams with sweet sauce before...

  5. Wah....durian for desserts! That's what I like!

    1. Now at my age, cannot take a lot la.. so eat while you are young!

  6. I will just have thr durians for dinner and not eat anything else! LOL!

  7. I'm afraid I do not like the looks of that BBQ meat. I cannot detect any fatty part. :/

    1. oh oh... mom's going to spank you if she knows that! :)

  8. Wow!! Penang's paradise food attacked by Ipoh's Blog Queen! You know what? I have booked 4 nights hotel next month to stay at Gurney Drive and eat everything you ate!! Yay!!

    1. Sure??? Then I want to know what you eat too... hahahaa

  9. I want the BBQ meat minus the fat and the durians....these 2 will be enough for me. He he...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...