Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Our Villa At Pangkor Laut Resort

FROM THE MARINA JETTY ISLAND, WE WERE TAKEN ON A SPEEDBOAT exactly at 1pm...  All our luggage were taken care of, we just had to walk to the speedboat with friendly staff welcoming us abroad.... and get ourselves seated comfortably.....
Before speeding off, we had to wear the orange life jackets.... hugging tightly to our body....
 Not many passengers at one go.....
Alright, I know... my face kept appearing here.... 
Well, cannot blame this old auntie for boarding the speedboat for the First Time in history... 
Hence the same face all over again and again....
Speeding across the ocean to Pangkor Laut Resort...
Soon we saw the island...
The journey was short, just around fifteen minutes or so only....
In no time, we have reached the island....
Friendly and pleasant looking staff welcoming each and everyone of us...
Yes, it does remind me of Fantasy Island shown on TV during the 1970s.....
Everything is taken care of... we do not have to carry anything but ourselves..
Even wheelchair is provided if needed... 
And we needed one.... 
Quickly we took a few pictures before being led to the reception.... 
At the island jetty....
There are a few types of accommodation... Sea Villa, Beach Villa and Hill Villa...
Mine is the Beach Villa... convenient for me and the elderly... 
But have to go up a few steps... that cannot be helped.....
Our villa is facing this part of the sea.... 
                                                         Our room at a glance....
Big and Spacious...
Further inside, there are two cupboards, two mirrors, two separate toilets...
Right at the end of the room is an open air Roman like bathtub...
Just filled it up with water and put in the sea salt for relaxation.... 
This area is not closed up above.... no peeping toms, don't worry...
The only culprits might be the Monkeys above the trees only!
Excitement showed on our faces.... 
Our Big Smiles with flashy teeth says it all....


  1. Wahhhhhhh!!! Lifestyle of the rich and famous! :D Have fun there, enjoy yourselves. Got karaoke?

    1. Dont have wor.. I guess guests do need peace and quiet..

  2. The room and the sea view looks so beautiful! How fun to bond with everyone in this lovely scenery.

  3. A beautiful island indeed! Your villa got a seaview and swaying palm trees. This fantasy island is so romantic! I am waiting for the food pics. He he..

    1. hehehe... you should go for honeymoon again..

  4. Fantasy island? I remember "The plane, the plane!"

    1. yeah, and everything is made right there! hahahaa

  5. shioknyer!!! that room got some sort of 'Bali' feel...especially the bathtub!

  6. Beautiful place for relaxation :)

  7. What a good life you are enjoying. Even Joan Collins love this place.

  8. Fuiyoh, go Pangkor liao wor, I also want! I need it, come, please save me!

  9. Wow! Enjoy life! I want to go to Pangkor too!!

  10. So luxurious! Bet you and company had a great time there. Aiyah...when is my turn? :D

  11. haven't been to pulau for not like sea water much..must have a lot of seafood in Pangkor.

  12. Wow...the villa...can stay there all day! But then again, the surrounding r also so captivating!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...