Friday, May 27, 2016

Penang Delights At Carnarvon, Burmah Road And Pulau Tikus

EACH MORNING IN PENANG, I ALWAYS WAKE UP THINKING of having a hot bowl of Koay Teow Th'ng!  The name is the same for every stall which sells KTT but the servings and ingredients may differ from one another.

Since we woke up late that morning, we went to the stall off Carnarvon Street, hoping the noodles were not sold out yet.  To our relief, they were still selling and one table unoccupied.  Quickly we made our order and in no time, our food were served.

The portion is very small... and I finished it fast and good... 
A small plate of greens... though I preferred them not to be splashed with oyster sauce... 
For two bowls and this plate of vege, it cost RM12...
Feeling not "full"... we adjourned to another place for "back-up".... 
Came across a mobile van selling Bah Chang at Burmah Road....
I was told this one is related to the shop along Cintra Street selling Bah Chang too... 
Even though it is along the street, tables and chairs are available on the pavement...
I like this style... too bad, Ipoh does not have this type of arrangement anymore.... 
Clean and tidy... 
Yes, they sell the same Yam Cake too as the shop too...
But just unfortunate that I was too late... 
The Bah Chang I wanted to eat was sold out...
The one with lots of yellow beans and less sticky rice were not available...
 Ended up taking this Bah Chang without beans....
And drowned with a bowl of red beans and black eye peas... 
After our double breakfast, we proceeded to the Pulau Tikus market.... 
And I couldn't help not buying a packet of this Nyonya dessert!

So... slowly, slowly.. as days go by,  as I do my posting.... 
I will get to know the cause of my changed figure... 


  1. Replies
    1. I cannot take much... last time I used to take a lot..

  2. I like the Nyonya dessert in the last pic...

  3. I like the portion of food served in Penang, small enough for me so that I do not need to waste food by leaving any behind. I have eaten the bak chang at Lebuh Cintra. Nice!

    1. I agree with you.. the portions just ngam ngam for me...

  4. Koay teow th'ng, small portion kah? Wahhhh!!! You big eater these days, eh? Yam cake looks good - there, they serve with rojak sauce, right? I would love the nyonya dessert too!

    1. hehehe... very refined portion actually... oh maybe I am a bigger eater nowadays!

  5. You sure have a big tummy to eat so much!! Lol.

    I love kway teow th'ng. Reminded me so much of Thailand where you told them noodle, they always end up werve you kway teow. To us, noodle means mee. The small noodle. To them, noodle is jway teow. Lol. I guess so since Penang and Thailand is so near, they have some similiarities.

    1. I like thai style too.. they squeeze some lemon juice inside the soup.. very nice!

  6. My old friend Claire! I lost track of your address and asked Nancy. So glad to see you are doing well and eating well. I feel like I've come home again to your blog!

    1. Hello Ginny!! Thank you for keeping in touch.. hope you are doing well and great..!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...