Friday, May 13, 2016

Spa Experience In Spa Village

WE HAD AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE SPA AT 3PM, everything was arranged us, all we had to do was to be punctual.  I am so thankful for this sponsored Spa and massage treatment, seriously I am.  If I were to pay from my own pockets... hmmmm... I would feel some "heartache"... hahahahaha  It cost around RM400 plus for a two hours treatment which includes four different types of bath and lastly ended with an hour plus of body massage.  For this we had to take a shuttle van to the Spa Village.... Let's go!
All cheerful and excited while waiting for transport.... 

 Eagerly waiting..... 
 .... with grins on our faces.....
In a matter of minutes, we arrived at the entrance of the Spa Village....
While waiting for the professional spa staff to get ready.... 

This starts with a soothing footbath and an invigorating Chinese Foot Pounding, previously only enjoyed by the concubines of feudal China. From there you will be escorted to the Bath Houses to enjoy the traditional Malay 'circulating' bath, and a Japanese-style cleansing with a 'goshi-goshi' cloth, followed by a dip in the heated Rotenburu pool.

Our professional spa staff will then give you a gentle exfoliating wash with our signature Shanghai Scrub. In Shanghai, this is traditionally offered exclusively to males. After your scrub, enjoy a cup of calming tea in our tranquil surroundings before you begin your spa treatment.
Everything looks so nice and traditional.. 
Getting ourselves warmed up for our Pampered moments....
Finally the girls came out and we were led like "princess" to be pampered... 
Within minutes, we were led inside to another section to prepare ourselves.... 
Ok, it started with with this sequence...
Soothing footbath and Chinese foot pounding...
Then we were taken to the changing rooms with lockers...
No pictures taken unless my handphone is waterproofed...
With the assistance of the friendly ladies, we were wrapped in a sarong.....
And were led to take our first traditional Malay "circulating" bath....
... where we dipped ourselves in the cooling water.. 
From there, we adjourned to a Japanese-style cleansing...
Followed by a dip in the heated Rotenburu Pool....
Then we were escorted to a gentle exfoliating wash Shanghai Scrub...
And by the time we reached the Spa massage room, we smell like "flowers!"
All clean and smelling sweet...
I refrained myself from falling asleep during the massage...
From the head to the feet, from the left to the right hands...
The soothing music and soft kneading....
It has been a long long time since I felt so relaxed and "floating"....
And I enjoyed it all... tremendously....... 
The whole relaxation moments lasted more than two hours..... 
It was so enchanting.... so different.... like we were in another quiet serene world.... 
And when we came out, we felt so refreshed.... our bodies felt lighter... 
Gives us a good excuse to eat more during dinner!
Yes, all over and re-energized....
Can even swing and dance.... 
Back to our villas and have a short ZZZZzzzzz.... 
Before we adjourned for last dinner in Pangkor Laut!


  1. You should be relaxing and sleeping during spa. But I never able to do so even during massage. hahah! But after the 2 hours massage, you feel lighter and refresh. I agreed with that. And can sleep well at night too.

    Beautiful spa. Such a relaxing place.

    1. So sayang if we sleep throughout the massage, right? hahahaa.. kiasu!

  2. Macam going to paradise like that lah you....

  3. Wah have to mandi 4 times in 2 hours!!! I have never been to this kind of spa before so one newbie question - do you wear any underwears while having the massage and during the baths?

    1. Of course can wear underwear lah but no bra

    2. hahahaah...Libby answered your question already.. they supply you with a disposable one...

  4. Where's the photo of you in the sarong? Or you on the massage bed? Hehehehehe!!!!

    1. No handphone la.... they are under lock and key.. how to take hp into the pool of water?

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  6. Didn't ask the staff to help you all take picture in sarong?

  7. The Spa Village is an enchanting place. How come no photos of you 3 lovely ladies in sarong?

    1. No handphones with us... all in locker... heheee

  8. OMG, I've heard so much about Pangkor Laut but just haven't got to it yet! Spa Village is definitely my kinda place & love visiting this resort too. Looks so relaxing! Have an awesome week, babe! xoxo


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...