Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Smokehouse Hotel At Cameron Highlands

BADE BYE TO PENANG and back to Ipoh for one night.  The very next morning, the travel bugged me again... this time we drove up to the highlands, yes... Cameron Highlands!  I had not been there for a couple of years already.  The drive from Ipoh to Brinchang took more than an hour half to reach and this time we decided to put up a night instead of driving to and fro on the same day.  At my age, it is now pretty tiring to drive a couple of hours straight....

After a simple lunch at a North Indian restaurant in a mall, we proceeded to visit an English Tudor style Hotel built in 1939.  It is called The Smokehouse Hotel and Restaurant located between Brinchang and Tanah Rata....
This is the first time we came close up and personal with The Smokehouse.... 
Nice ambiance that make us feel very "English-sey" upon entering..... 
The entrance to the reception.... on the left is the restaurant... 
A beautiful landscaping at the right.... 
That's the name... Ye Olde Smokehouse!
Come... let's go in and have a look!
It is more on a Scottish look with their deco all around... 
I was told these were from Scotland aging more than 300 years ago....
Tulip vases... 
Now there are no more such as these....
Very unique shapes for flowers....
Cosy corner for tea and tete-a-tete...
It feels more like a home than a hotel.....
At another corner where the fireplace lays.... 
Beautiful settings...
The tea house corner... either here or in the garden.... 
One must not leave this place without taking endless pictures.... 
One can opt to have tea in the garden too.... 
And that was what we did... the very next day!
More rooms for booking a short dis
Should we book a room here?  Maybe the next time....
The rates vary from RM400 over.... but I think I can get some discount... 
Yes, I didn't leave this place without taking almost every part of the garden and hotel.... 
Yes, we certainly must come back for tea and scone the next day...
It wouldn't be "Cameron" without having their famous tea and hot scones, right? 


  1. Omg!!! I was at Cameron Highlands from Fri evening till noon today!!! Jam packed, right? Check out everythingenglishhomestay on Airbnb. It's owned by my friend n her English husband. When they r around, they will cook u d most yummylicious breakfast of pancakes n scones!

    1. Wow.. really, then I must bookmark this... thanks for sharing!

  2. I love Cameron Highland but I hate the traffic jam there. Ye Olde Smokehouse is a very lovely place but costly. The garden is beautiful!

  3. I remember this house. So lovely. Very English-looking. Thinking of CH and its cooling weather.

  4. If from Singapore to Cameron Highland, very very long journey...

  5. Wah, a succession of nice trips.

    So nice.

  6. This SmokeHouse is very famous. I went there 35 years ago when I was just ten years old. Where did you spend a night in CH?

    1. I booked a hotel on the very morning through Copthorn..

  7. The Smokehouse and surrounding grounds are beautiful! It looks worth the long drive. The inside looks very luxurious as well! My favorite pictures here are the ones with you in them. Your beautiful smile and pretty blue outfit!

    1. Thank you Ginny, you always say the brightest comments! hahaha...

  8. I do hope to be able to go to Cameron again, stay two nights, at least - was there on a day trip and I so loved the place and the peaceful and cool environment

  9. I haven't been to Cameron Highlands for years!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...