Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Visit To Durian Plantation, Malacca

SUPPOSED TO CHECK IN TO THE HOTEL AFTER LUNCH, it was after 3pm already... Aaron and I were feeling kind of sleepy after the scrumptious lunch but we were jerked up from our tiredness when we heard the word Durian!  No, not only one word, two words... Durian Plantation... "Do you want to go to the Durian Plantation now?"  Serious??? OK, Let's Go! We replied in unison!  hahahaa... 

The journey to their friend's plantation took around forty minutes... Oh, don't ask me where it is, I really have no idea.  We just sat behind and waited anxiously to see what was in store.  Both of us had not been to a durian plantation before... By then, we were fully wide awake and in full anticipation of where we were taken to.
Yes, we finally reached and were greeted by a few dogs barking at the gate... 
Thank God they were friendly dogs, no gnarling at us upon entering.... 
One escorted us in.... and our adventure began.... 
Our starting point is here.... 
Come, follow me through the plantation... 
And behind me are the goodies... assorted trees consisting mainly of durian trees, 
mangosteens, jackfruits, longkong aka langsat trees, rambutans.... 
Vast area consisting of all sorts of fruit trees.... 
But of course, we are confirmed fans of durians.... 
and we were astonished to see that the durian trees are really short over here... 

See what I mean?  They are really short like me!
Just hanging above our heads...
 oooppsss... Be Careful, I say!
And we were indeed fascinated.. we kept eyeing these sharp and thorny beauties here and there... 
Yes, most of them are not ripened yet.... but we mind not... 
We just love looking at them... 
Despite their sharp thorns, I am amazed by the durians hanging on the short branches... 
Later I was told that these durian trees are organic... not sprayed by pesticides... 
That is why these durians are sold off as soon as they drop... 
More or less fully booked in advance... 
Not sure what he was doing then... 
Oh, maybe looking at the Musang fruit... 
hmmm... only 101 on the tree and we were told that 
Musang durian looks like that... 
Well,all durians look the same to me actually... :)
It was an interesting guided tour by the owner himself ....
And one for the album before we left the trees and walked back to the shed... 
Time to dig in!
Yes, not many durians for our picking... in fact only 8 of them... 
And the flesh was so creamy that we could not stomach all of them.... 
Very fresh... it would be best to wait for one more day.... 
But then we really could not consume much already.... 
Eyes were wide...but the mouths were small... 
Nevertheless, we enjoyed the visit to the plantation very much..
An eye opener for us.... a very interesting and guided tour (plus consumption!)
Really wonderful and generous of our friends who made this trip possible for both of us... 
Indeed we are very grateful and thankful... 


  1. I'm controlling my intake of durians, but seeing your post of the durians makes me crave for it, hehe...

  2. Aaron seems fatter this time around, getting used to the western food in Scotland?

    1. Oh oh... he will be disappointed.. wont eat so much today.. hehee

  3. How nice! I have never seen a durian tree before hah..hah... Must be nice to be able to eat very fresh durians.

  4. Fruitful trip. How I wish I can have those durians.

  5. What a feast! Fresher than fresh! If your friends had brought you here first, you would have had such a gala time here. And then you wouldn't have been able to enjoy the yummy Nyonya food.

    1. Either this or that.. my age, cannot afford to eat lots of durians..

  6. Wow! A visit to a durian plantation! The durian looks so delicious! Yums, yums!!!

    1. Yeah, very gracious of the host/hostess in Malacca

  7. Wow, how nice to visit a durian plantation with a private tour given by the owner. In photo 6 (the 1st photo with durians), what are those two hanging jars? Now I see the durians, so delicious, I want to eat them again.

    1. ah.. you are very observant.. the jars are to keep the insects away.. organic style.. hahahaa

  8. This is so interesting to finally see how they grow! something I have not seen before. And I have never seen you happier! What a really fun experience!

  9. Do you know musang durians have a star shaped pattern at their bottoms, my dad was a durian vendor so he taught me this

    Nowadays I seldom eat durians because scare very heaty and get sore throat

    1. That was why I took a picture of it... so you are a durian expert!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...