Monday, July 4, 2016

Breakfast At Bandaraya Near Paragon Hotel, Ipoh

MET UP WITH MY FOODIE BUDDY FOR BREAKFAST.... it has been some time since we last got together.  Due to our busyness in our daily lives, we did not meet for quite some time already.  No wonder life has been kind of quiet since I came back to Ipoh.  That should not be the way... Food must bring us together again even if it is only a morning breakie...

This time we went to a new place, actually it is not new but we have not been there before.... This shop is just beside Paragon Hotel and the shop is called Bandaraya...

We ordered from this stall.... 
Something soupy and clear... 
Beneath the meat and vege is my favourite noodles... Loe Shu Fun... 
Both of us shared this from this big bowl of noodles...
Our eyes are greedy as usual...
We ordered one more extra bowl of goodies.. including the "chu toh"
The soup was so spicy hot, they put too much peppercorn inside...
Both of us just ate the solid and left the liquid in the bowl... 
These pumpkin cakes caught my eye while I was ordering the noodles... 
Could not resist ordering.....
They are indeed very tasty and nice! 
My Happy Friend with her aromatic local coffee from Bandaraya, Ipoh!


  1. I like those pink chopsticks! Also the soup and pumpkin look very good.

  2. That is one good looking bowl of pork noodles. Look at all those meats! Slurppsss!!

  3. I'm a fan of soupy noodles too especially when I'm unwell. Have a great week, dear! xoxo

    1. Yes, soupy clear soup is suitable for us when we feel unwell.. You have a great week too, Shirley!

  4. How much? How much? No prices stated?

    1. hahha.. price is not a problem.. for your information, pumpkin is RM1.60 for two.. noodles is around RM10 I think..

  5. Lo shu fen. My mum's favourite noodle.

  6. Everything looks good to me, especially the pumpkin cake!

  7. Like everyone else, I'm also attracted to d pumpkin cake. Yum!

    1. Maybe it is because of my photo.. hahahaa

    2. Yes, yes, yes! They should pay u for the publicity...heheheh!

    3. Just went to try the pumpkin cake this morning. Nice! Thanks for introducing me to them.

  8. The pumpkin cakes look so good! I have never seen something like that being sold in KL.

  9. i think pumpkin cakes will give more taste... Good and nice blog post, thanks for sharing your information.. it is very useful to me.. keep rocks and updating..

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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...